twenty seven.

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"You are beyond helping at this point son." my dad sighed, sitting on the arm of the couch as he shook his head, incapable of finding any sort of sympathy for me; "We have been lenient with you, we have watched you make mistake after mistake and still we have defended you, but this?" the disappointment in his voice rattled the atmosphere in his voice, my mother sat beside him in a mute state, refusing to comment on anything.

Deep down she knew that there was nothing she could say that would change what had happened, what has been happening, and what would have continued happening if Samantha didn't manage to find out in the way she did.

"As much as your opinion means something to me, Dad - I am finding it almost impossible to care." I rolled my eyes, accustomed to hearing how what I have done is oh so wrong.

But never have I cared about the opinions of others, not when I want something, or in this case, someone.

"You have been sleeping with a minor." he stressed his words, as if I didn't already know that she was still a minor in the eyes of the law; "What have you done is illegal, completely and utterly illegal."

He didn't understand, nobody could.

"And it was consensual, Dad." raising my voice, people seemed to look beyond the point of it being consensual sex, dwelling on her age as if it changed anything between us; "You can state it's illegal as much as you want, but that doesn't change the fact that she wanted to have sex with me, and if she didn't want it, I would have never have done it."

I know right from wrong, I have braincells that are in impeccable working order, just because something that seems so wrong to everybody else doesn't seem wrong to me does not mean I am lacking in morals or respect. How can they not see that it simply means that there is more to it than just sex, than me not being able to not keep it in my pants or her being a child as such.

"Oh, so because a teenage girl tells you she wants it, that means you must give her it?" spitting his words, there was no debate as to whether he was disgusted or not; "Justin, she is sixteen, she does not know what she wants, she probably changes her mind on every aspect of her life daily, you should have known better." the sound of a fist slamming against the door echoed through the living room, gaining the attention of my parents and myself.

Kylie had warned me that her Dad was on the way, although warning me had no impact, there wasn't much he could say or do that I hadn't heard fifteen times already.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." sighing, I poured myself a glass of whiskey, watching as my Dad stood up from where he was sat, feeling obligated to answer the front door; "Besides, I was never going to marry Samantha fucking Monroe, she drains the life out of me and sucks the oxygen out of every room. You see with Kylie, at least she has a personality, if only she was two years older. But, then again, I don't mind waiting for somebody who is worth it." smirking, I glanced towards the front door as it opened, purposely raising my voice so Martin could hear as he entered my home.

He stormed into my apartment, pushing my Dad out of the way, his face red with anger, frustration, glaring at me as though he wanted to rip my head off, using it as a football of some sort, or simply putting it on the end of stick, parading it around.

"You." he uttered the moment he walked through the door, storming over towards me; "You disgusting, repulsive, sickening piece of shit. You are the scum of the earth. You deserve to be locked away for the rest of your life. Did you really think you would get away with it? Did you really think you could harm my little girl and nobody would ever find out about it?" his hands were balled into fists.

Pacing, he couldn't remain in one spot; "You touched my little girl. You stole her innocence, you took advantage of her, and you have been parading around like you have absolutely no worries."

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