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Subconsciously humming along to Problem by Ariana Grande, I toyed with the lightly salted fries on my plate, dipping them into a dabbing of BBQ sauce on the side of my dish, surrounded by friends who could do nothing but drone on and on about Henri's party and how it ended on such a strong note compared to past parties - for some reason, it was the only topic of conversation I had managed to hear since walking through the double doors of school that morning.

Although, it wasn't as bothersome of a conversation to the point where jealousy rose within me.

I couldn't help but be pleased with how my night ended - taking pride in the fact I left the party when I did, rather then sticking around to get completely wasted, my actions landed me in bed with Justin, simply cuddling in each others arms as we slept, after feeling things I had never felt at any point in my life.

Come to think of it, the only downside of my departure from the party was that everybody had some how caught wind of me having an older lover, resulting in them finding it acceptable to ask me questions about him and whether or not he is looking for more teenage companions to spend the night with. I had no other option but to roll my eyes and shrug off their questioning, telling them that what I do behind closed doors is not their business and never shall it be.

"So, have you spoke to Matty since the party?" Amber asked, smacking her lips together as she hydrated her mouth with peach flavored water; "Or is he still furious over the fact you decided to ditch him for that guy." she cocked her eyebrow, causing everybody around our table to turn to me, wanting answers.

Forcing down a lump in my throat, I swirled my straw in a can of cream soda, able to feel the eyes of everybody burning on me, awaiting some kind of response; "Well, he said hello to me earlier in passing but we haven't actually spoke properly." I mumbled, hiding the fact I was feeling defeated on the inside due to the fact he was semi ignoring my existence; "And I don't know how he can be mad over me leaving the party for somebody else when he slept and has been sleeping with Jacinta." I frowned, still festering in my own bitter jealousy over such a simple fact.

And I knew Jacinta was never going to let me live down or forget the fact she managed to sleep with him first.

"You shouldn't have left him." Keaton, a friend of my mine rolled his eyes; "Matty always gets his way with girls, nobody has ever turned him down before so you're going to have to find a way to make it up to him some how." shrugging, he shook his head at me in disappointment.

But he was right.

Matty would expect me to drop everything and anything for him simply because I blew him off the first time - he will be better for a little while, ignoring my existence, but he is adamant to get what he wants, he hates to be turned down, to seem as though he cannot conquer something.

And to him I am something he wants to conquer.

I left the party without as little as a kiss, there is no way he will give up now; not when he has something to prove.

"Oh, and for the record Ky - Matty didn't sleep with Jacinta after you left, just so you know." Amber was only now telling me something she should have told me first thing on Monday Morning while I was refusing to tell her anything about Justin; "I forgot to tell you. He was planning on sleeping with her, but then she claimed she didn't want to sleep with somebody who was going to fuck you so he had to improvise and he wound up sleeping with some other girl from god knows what school."

Jacinta didn't want to sleep with him because he wanted to sleep with me?

Surely, it should be the other way around and I should be refusing to go anywhere near him because he has slept with her several times in the past?

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