twenty three.

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As the door closed behind them, Justin let out a deep sigh, dragging his fingers through his hair, a slight mustache forming above his top him, one that caused Kylie to cock her eyebrow and wonder if he was trying to channel his inner masculinity, even though at the age of twenty two he could still pass as twenty, especially when his facial hair is trying to form but failing.

"Okay, before you verbally abuse me give me two minutes to explain." he told her, ignoring the look of frustration scrawled upon her face, knowing that she wanted answers and if he wanted any chance of their friendship never mind anything else to remain civil he needed to give her those answers.

Kylie looked around the apartment; "And there was me thinking you were ignoring me because you had lost all sense of using your fingers." her sarcasm was bitter, even though her feelings were strong; "Or, is it because once you conquer something you decide to drop it, like every other guy in Toronto does their conquests."

"Gee, thanks and there was me thinking you had a heart that beats and isn't made out of stone." he picked up on her hostility, rolling his eyes as he sauntered across the carpet to the kitchen; "And you know for a fact that I am not like those other guys. If you honestly thought that you would have lost your virginity to the first person who showed an interest in you, but instead you lost it to me, or have you forgot that ever happened?" he reached for an already open bottle of whiskey, followed by a glass.

"How could I possibly forget?" she spat, pacing around the apartment; "See unlike you, I don't fuck everything in sight and hope they don't catch feelings in the process. You on the other hand, oh you are the worst of the worst - you have no regards or compassion for any female that walks into your life. You simply get your penis wet, pop a few cherries and then go running back to your darling wife to be and pray she never finds out that behind that stupid smirk and the tattoos, the suits..and the fluffy hair and the overdosing of confidence that you're nothing more than a player, who has a list as long as the River Nile of girls he has fucked then forget about."

Justin poured the brown colored liquid into the glass, only now realizing how much he had hurt her - and that was never intention.

"Kylie." he uttered, wanting her to fall into a silence before he tried to explain the mishaps of his life, ones that could have been avoided if only they were smarter with their actions; "I know you enjoy hearing the sound of your own voice but for one fucking second can you be quiet." with a roll of his eyes, he bought the filled glass up to his lips.

"No, Justin." she protested, throwing herself down on the couch; "You have ruined my life, just so you know." glaring at him, even through the frustration she couldn't fight the feeling of being attracted to him.

With a single burst of laughter, he wandered over to the couch; "Kylie." he stressed.

"Shut up." ignoring his stressing of voice, she edged away from him; "You are the only person to has helped me experience an orgasm, multiple orgasms. You have me losing out on sleep, and unable to look at any other guy in the same way I do you. Oh, and if that isn't disaster enough, I have to look my sister in the eye and lie to her, every single day when she thinks her boyfriend is some sort of god sent angel who is prepared to marry her when in reality we know that isn't going to happen."

"Kylie, your brother knows." unable to handle hearing her ranting and raving, Justin let the cat out of the bag; "And before you think it's based on purely assumption I mean, he knows, everything."

And in that moment, everything around her seemed to start spinning, her mouth dropping open as her gaze dropped to the floor.

"But-" she gulped, shaking her head; "But how?" they had been so smart, so careful.

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