twenty nine.

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Heavily dropping his shoulders, Drew sipped slowly on a bottle of beer, staring into the fire as it burned brightly - his conversation with Justin had reached a sudden bump, both of them slipping into silence, far from on the same page and finding it impossible to agree to disagree; "You know what you have to do, whether or not you want to do it." his voice was firm, stern, refusing to budge or fall victim to his best friends ways.

Justin held a whiskey glass in his hand, his eyes glazed over as he gulped down the lump in his throat; "But, I love her." that was his only argument, the only argument he found valid; "And I don't mean that oh, I love having sex with with her, I mean I truly love her - her mind, her soul, her personality, the way she laughs, the way she pretends nothing bothers her but stripped back behind a false smile is somebody with so much depth. Her body is merely a bonus, she is the true prize."

After receiving what at any other point in his life he would have deemed a life changing phone call at midday while in the office, alone, Justin had been forced to put his priorities into order, to sit and figure out what he wanted to do with his life, where he wanted to be in two years time, five years time - yet no matter how hard he tried, every list he made, every time he tried to divert his mind, his attention, Kylie always seemed to be his main priority, his life goal, his future.

He didn't want to do anything unless he was doing it with her right by his side.

"You claim to love her, yet you refuse to truly put her first, to set aside your own foolish feelings and realize that if you don't take this opportunity, you are going to wind up ruining her life before it has even had a chance to begin." Drew saw the situation from a logical aspect, he wasn't blinded by a love for somebody younger than him, nor did he have a heart that only seemed to beat for one person, and one person only.

Gazing into space, he placed his glass down on the table, rubbing his hands across his face in frustration; "Hurting her isn't an option, Drew." he hissed, standing up in anger; "I cannot hurt her, I cannot put her through this, not when I am the only person she has right now. What sort of person would that make me?"

"One with a brain." his best friend automatically answered; "One who actually has braincells and isn't deluded, planning on throwing his life away for a girl." secretly, he found it laughable that somebody who was once impossible to force into admitting his feelings was willingly declaring his love for a child.

As he turned slowly to face Drew, Justin furled his eyebrows; "Kylie is not just a girl." he spat the words like they were knives.

Drew squinted his eyes, shaking his head slowly; "You really love her, huh?"

He didn't to hear an answer, and as much as he wished, prayed and hoped that his friend would one day wake up and see the light, he knew deep down that when Justin has his heart set on something, he is going to go after it with everything he has, not stopping until he has what he wants, and if he truly wants such a thing, never will he ever consider letting it go - not only does he fall hard, he loves hard.

Only, this time the it he had set his heart on was a her a very young, very innocent despite her sex life with Justin, her.

"Look, you're my best friend and if you truly love her, and you truly want her - there is only one thing you can d0 - and yes, it is going to hurt the both of you, and yes she is probably going to think that you feel nothing for her - but it can work, for the both of you in the long run." Drew always had the ideas.

And for some reason, Justin always put his faith in those ideas.

"Anything, as long as we get to be together." Justin nodded, fighting the urge to pace the living room; "What do I need to do?"

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