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"Hm, I could get used to this." Justin mumbled, rolling over in his bed, pulling Kylie into his arms as the morning sun crept through the gap in his bedroom curtains, causing him to squint his eyes groan faintly onto her neck.

Running his fingers through her hair, he ignored the sound of his phone vibrating against his bedside table, rolling his eyes knowing it would probably be Samantha wanting to go out for brunch, wanting him to cure her hangover like he usually does. But he was content with simply laying in bed with Kylie, their bodes matted within each others, neither of them wanting to move from the comfort they had awoke in.

"Could?" Kylie yawned, wrapping her arms around his torso, resting her head on his chest; "I already am used to it." she couldn't picture herself wanting to sleep alone in her own bed anymore.

How could she possibly want to sleep alone after waking up to somebody who looks as if they have just hopped out of a sleep easy mattress advertisement? Even with his rugged hair and tired eyes as he rubbed on them with his free hand he still looked effortless, and it was such a scene playing out in front of her that caused her stomach to flip and the guilt that was hidden to try and rise within her.

"Although, your phone vibrating every five minutes is kind of a buzz kill." she glanced over to the bed side table, tutting as once again it began to ring, the vibration against the wood surface echoing through out the bedroom acted as a wake up call, even more so than the birds outside squawking away as though they had nothing better to do.

Justin sighed, reaching over for his phone with a frown on his face; "You know if it's Samantha, I am throwing this piece of shit across the room." he frowned, taking a grip of his phone and staring down through squinted eyes at the numerous missed calls and unanswered texts.

"Wait, it's your brother?" he hauled himself up into a sitting position, not knowing why Kyle would be calling and texting him at merely 11am.

Kylie opened her eyes wider, turning her body away from the window so that the sun wouldn't blind her; "But, what could he possibly want so early of a morning?" she mumbled, still clinging to his body as if letting go would be the cause of the world ending.

"I don't know." he shrugged tiredly, his phone ringing in his hand; "But, I guess I'm about to find out." he faintly smiled, answering the call and pressing the phone against his ear.

"Kyle, my man, what's up bro?" he falsified his happiness to be taking a phone call so early of a morning when all he wanted to do is sleep the day away and leave his responsibilities and duties untouched for the day.

Sunday is supposed to be the day of the Lord, not the day of early morning phone calls and conversations that can probably be avoided.

"Hey, are you busy today?" Kyle asked, trying his best not to make it obvious that he wanted to rip off Justin's head for even thinking that fondling with his sister is acceptable, never mind taking it upon himself to sneak around with her, pretending that he is the poster of perfection for society.

Justin glanced at Kylie, cocking his eyebrow as he mouthed he wants to make plans to her; "Um, not that I know of - apart from the gym and then going to see my family then I don't have much plans."

"Oh, are you free right now?" he questioned, even though he knew the answer would be no seeing as though Kylie wasn't home yet, meaning she must still be with him.

"No, why...what's up?" Justin warily answered, draping his arm around Kylie as she sat up beside him, her fingers trailing around the outlines of his tattoos that decorated his tanned body.

Gulping, Kyle pulled himself up onto the counter; "Kind of need to to you about something." he uttered quietly.

"Well, if I have time later I'll come over and see you. If not, just drop by the store tomorrow, I'll be in the office all day." shrugging, he titled his head towards Kylie, his body refusing to wake up completely, not when he was still in bed, covered by the sheets and duvet.

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