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"Kylie, you can ignore me all you want, that just proves that what she is saying must be the truth." Kyle slammed his hand down on the kitchen counter, rain pouring down against the windows, tired eyes and a yawn escaping the clamped together lips of his sister, who had been avoiding any sort of conversation with him since the night of the Dinner, knowing he wanted answers about the accusations thrown.

Deep down, Kyle wanted to believe that it was merely teenage girl drama, that they simply didn't get along and so they made up rumors about one another in order to taint their reputations. But it wasn't the first time he had heard that his sister has trouble with keeping her legs closed. Even though he usually dismisses the rumors, claims that his sister is innocent and people just don't like her, he couldn't help but wonder if Jacinta was telling the truth when he announced that she was sleeping with a taken older man.

"And you can ask me about it all you want--" Kylie shrugged, taking a bite out of the toast in front of her, constantly glancing at the clock, waiting for her Dad to finish getting ready so she could leave for school - only having to endure half a day of education seeing as though she has a dentist appointment at midday, and after that she would take herself to see Justin, upon his request, hoping his new proposition will be as interesting as his first; "But, you should know the truth, and that Jacinta is a compulsive liar." she took a sip out of her orange juice, refusing to make eye contact with her brother.

"So why won't you give me a straight answer?" he asked, unable to let it go.

For a moment, Kyle didn't believe the accusation but the same night it was thrown, he sat down in the guest house with Samantha, both of them venting to one another - her over how Justin suddenly doesn't want to get married this year, and him about how he doesn't know whether to believe the vulgar remarks made against his sister. Usually, he wouldn't turn to Samantha for anything, especially not advice over Kylie - but she made sense, and the Justin has been giving her advice about guys didn't help his suspicions.

"Because you're doubting me." Kylie frowned, pushing her plate away from her, the sound of their father coming down the stairs was her saving grace from a conversation that was slightly awkward.

"Fine." Kyle muttered, looking her up and down; "I guess I can always ask Justin, seeing as though he has been giving you advice on guys. You seem to forget he tells me everything." smirking, he had no idea that if there was one thing in the world that Justin would hold back on telling him, it is the truth about Kylie and her older friend.

Even if he wanted to tell him, he couldn't - he is the older friend, and he isn't going to risk losing the youngest female he has ever engaged in foreplay with, not before he cracks through her shell.

"Good for you." she gasped falsely, knowing that he would find himself at a dead end with Justin regardless of whether they tell each other everything or not; "Maybe he will tell you how much his sister hates me and is a liar." she slipped off of the seat she was on, rolling her eyes at her older brother before gathering her school things and heading for the hallway to wait for her Dad.

Kyle followed after her, searching for an attempt to make her feel guilty; "You used to tell me all your secrets--" he pouted, leaning against the door frame, crossing one foot over the other, it rare that his sister would keep something from him; "I am probably the only person who doesn't judge you." he stared at her, hoping she would succumb to the guilt he can make her feel.

"Kyle, there is nothing to tell you." she flustered, running her fingers through her hair; "I don't have any secrets."

Of course she didn't have any secrets - she was the secret.

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