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After what felt like the end of her life, many sleepless nights staring up at the ceiling hoping her phone would ring and she would be greeted to the sound of that voice she knows oh so well, tears shed into every pillow case she owns, curled up in a ball in the corner of her room as she wondered if life was worth living now that the only person who truly understood her was half way across the world, Kylie had finally managed to take a grip back on some sense of reality - a reality that consisted of her not expecting to see him every time she turned a corner, or to bump into him while taking the long way home just so she can pass by the store he once spent every day in, or his apartment.

Her reality was made up of memories she refused to let go of and an attempt of taking numerous steps of looking into the future and realizing that if he was to come back, she would know about it; or at least that was her hope. But after two years of missing him it was impossible to let go, impossible to pretend that she didn't love him anymore simply because he is in Europe - even though her parents had let it simmer over the course of two years, slowly gaining faith in the fact that she would never make a decision like that again, and Kyle was back to treating her like a sister rather than somebody who deserved the death sentence, he knew that if Justin was to walk back into her life she would drop everything for him, to rekindle what they had before he left.

And it's not like Justin had completely cut ties with her, as though he was ignoring her - he could never do such a thing, leaving her was hard enough there was no way he would ever cut her out of his life - hence the numerous texts every now and then, not bothering if he gained a reply from her or not, he just felt a need to tell her that he loved her, that he missed her, praying to whatever god existed every night that she hadn't forgot about him, that the day he landed back in Toronto she wouldn't be over him.

He was far from over her, he still adored her and every last thought and memory that infiltrated his mind on a regular basis, it impossible for him to move on even if he tried; the interest he once had in every female he met was long gone - the lust that once overpowered his body whenever he came into contact with a female was gone, his urges to sleep with anything with a pulse had gone, every time he glanced at a female all he could feel is guilt, riddled with the thought that he was mentally cheating.

Although, it wasn't all doom, gloom, intense stress as a result of missing one another, lack of focus and endless amounts of tears in the dead of the night - it wasn't going to be too long before they would be in the same city, the same bed and each others arms.


Kylie gulped, staring down at her plate of food as she and her family sat around a square table booth at the Trump Tower Hotel restaurant, her freshly manicured nails tapping against the polished black table, a faint smile on her face, trying to pretend she was excited and thankful to be around her family on her eighteenth birthday, that there was nobody else in the world that she would rather be with but she was only lying to herself.

"Happy birthday, Ky." Samantha smiled innocently as she sat down at the table, quickly leaning over to kiss her sister on the cheek and hug her before returning to a more comfortable position; "God, it feels like it was just last week that you were turning sixteen." laughing awkwardly, their sisterly bond was incapable of being fixed but their relationship had progressed over the days, weeks, months, years.

While there would always be a tension between them that can never be lifted, and the life long memory that her engagement and future marriage completely fell apart because her younger sister was sleeping with her fiance, Samantha decided that she couldn't hold a grudge, not when her ex fiance wasn't even living in Toronto anymore - what would be the point?

How could she hold onto the hatred she once felt towards her own sister when she had seen the change in her, how she wasn't sat by the phone waiting for him to call, the tears didn't seem to be shed anymore and if everybody else could forgive her then, why shouldn't she?

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