Chapter 3

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Clarke was headed home from the coffee shop, Bellamy Blake and his infuriating ways on her mind, she slowed when she could hear the music drifting through the alley from the band at the park. It wasn't awful music, but it wasn't something she would choose to listen to. The cool inviting breeze off the water drew her interest though. She walked down the alley into the opening, there was quite a crowd, she finished her latte, throwing the empty cup away and finding a vacant tree to lean against that was close to the water.

This spot was beautiful, the water was catching the sunshine and it was breathtaking. She was glad she took the job as librarian here. It wasn't a big city, it was welcoming and nobody knows her. It was a perfect chance to start over. She just had to keep to herself and stay off social media.

She had a job she loved, she had very nice customers, all except one anyway. 'He cant be too bad, he's definitely easy on the eyes' she told herself, 'Maybe we just got off on the wrong foot, last thing I need is another problem' Her phone rang startling her. She glanced at the number, dread washed over her as she pushed the talk icon.

"Hello" she answered.

"Clarke, it's been along time" the voice of Nyko sounding off through her ears.

"Yea" she replied, making her answers short, not wanting to give away her location, she expected his call.

"As you know we killed Finn because he couldn't pay us, unfortunately for you he has no family. You being his closest friend, means you inherit the debt" his voice was deep but calm. Clarke on the other hand was telling her mind to steady her hands. She knew he couldn't hear the phone shake but she could feel it against her face.

"I don't know anything about what you do, or what Finn was doing for you. However I do know I don't owe you anything, even if I was going to pay, I would need money to do that, money I don't have" She tried to calm down, but she was enraged and definitely yelling in the phone.

"Change your tone Clarke, we will contact you again, if you don't answer, we will personally find you" he threatened before hanging up.

'Like hell you will contact me' She thought while quickly dissembling her phone. She threw each individual piece in various trash cans on her way out of the park and walked to her apartment in record time. She wanted to be in her space, somewhere safe with the door triple bolt locked. She walked out on her balcony overlooking the street. She sat at her small table staring out over countless buildings, you could see half of the park and some of the shore but not enough in her opinion.

She heard someone clear there voice on the balcony next to her. She felt herself have a slight heart attack before turning to meet the smiling face of Octavia Blake.

"Small world, huh? you must be my new neighbor" Octavia said.

"Yea, small world I'd say" Clarke replied, looking past her to the empty doorway.

"Don't fret, me and my boyfriend Lincoln live here, Bellamy lives on the other end of the block, on the west side of the park, with Miller" Clarke smiled.

"Thanks, don't know if I could handle him as a neighbor" She replied.

"Don't get me wrong, you will still run into him frequently, he's here a lot, our apartment becomes a party spot, it's bigger then their place. He's not so bad once you get to know him"

"I'm sure he's great, we just got off on the wrong foot" Clarke added.

"Do you want to come over and hang out, I have wine and my man works till 11 tonight so we have plenty of time for girl talk"

"Sure, give me 10" Clarke replied, standing and heading in her apartment. 'A girls night... a new friend's not bad, at this point a friend in general would be amazing' Clarke smiled as she grabbed her keys and headed out the door.

"Here's to a new start" She whispered before knocking on her neighbors door.

"Come in, it's open" Octavia yelled.

Clarke turned the door knob letting herself in. Lincoln and Octavia's apartment was the same size and design as Clarke's just everything was reversed and on the opposite side. She walked out to the balcony joining Octavia at their small table. She had already brought the bottle of wine and the glasses out.

"You have no idea how happy I am to have a girl to talk to, Most of my friends are mutual friends of Lincoln or Bellamy, and they are all guys with the exception of Raven and Harper. However Harper is on the local PD and Raven runs an auto shop downtown, they are super busy all the time."

"Well you will be happy to know I am also happy to have someone to talk to, I just moved here and have no friends, I've received a few numbers of guys from the coffee shop which I disposed of in the garbage at the library, I don't believe friendship is what they had in mind" she laughed

"I've lived here all my life, just on the outskirts of town, where it was more rural, where did you move from?"

"The south" Clarke replied.

"Like southern New York?" she asked.

"No, the southern states" Clarke replied raising her glass to her lips.

"Oh, well that's a climate change" Octavia smiled not pressing her more on the question.

"It is indeed" she said.

"Bellamy said he saw you at the park tonight, what did you think of the band?" Octavia asked. Clarke froze momentarily, could he have heard her conversation.

"They were okay, I like the concept of the music in the park but it wasn't my kind of music choice"

"You and Bellamy would get along, He wasn't too impressed either" Octavia said.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope just me, is Bellamy your only sibling?"

"Yup, and he's enough" Octavia replied causing them to both laugh.

They spent the next hour on the balcony making small talk and drinking. Once it started to get too cold the girls moved inside. They were a bottle of wine in and goofing around, they were each wearing a hat they found on the table. Octavia took a selfie of them laughing and snapped it to Bellamy, Lincoln and Miller.

They were looking at Octavia's photo albums, putting another bottle of wine down just as Lincoln entered the apartment.

Octavia introduced her to him before walking her to the door. Clarke couldn't believe it was so late already. She entered her apartment, stripped down, and sank under her covers.

The Librarian (Bellarke Edition)Where stories live. Discover now