Chapter 17

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Clarke spent all day with Bellamy, She was thankful their earlier conversation wasn't brought back up, however it was weighing heavy on her mind.

" Alright Princess, I'm going to head home, are you going to be alright?" Bellamy asked.

"Yeah, Bell, I'll be fine" she smiled kissing his cheek as he pulled her into a hug.

" We need to talk about that kiss too, when you are ready " he smiled releasing her and opening the door.

" Good Night Bellamy" she smirked lightly pushing him out into the hall.

" Good Night Clarke, Lock up" he said as she closed the door. He stood waiting to hear the locks click into place before heading to his apartment.


Clarke sat at the counter, contemplating calling the number on the card she pulled from her pocket and sat in front of her. She gave it one last thought and picked up the phone. She waited till she heard his voice mail pick up on the other side and left a brief message.

"Murphy, its Clarke, 243-652-7986"

She hung up staring at the phone wondering if it was the right decision. She cleaned up the apartment and settled on the couch with her tablet. Her phone beeped letting her know she had a new message. She swiped left to read it.

Bellamy: I thought it would be easy to come home and sleep alone, but after last night you ruined me.

She smiled to herself, she missed him being here but she surely didn't want him here, she needed to spend more time alone, lessen her connections, keep them all safe. Time was closing in on her, she could feel it. She messaged him back.

Clarke: Is that your way of telling me you miss me?

Bellamy: You bet ;)

Clarke: Well in that case you aren't alone.

Bellamy: Good to know.

She was mid text when her phone rang disrupting the messaging. She saw the number she dialed earlier and took a deep breath before answering the phone.

"Murpy?" she asked

"Nothing like a hello, huh? must be Clarke" She could hear her phone beep signalling incoming messages.

"I need a plan, the easiest way to diffuse this situation"

"Do you know a Roma?" She groaned internally at the name, 'That would be someone I could see as Murphy's friend'

"I do, although she is not a Clarke fan"

"Why does that not surprise me?"


"Alright, well you can meet with us tomorrow, we are going to have to hide you for a bit, bring a bag with you, tell your job you had a family emergency"

"Okay" Clarke could feel the tears welling in her eyes, running, the answer she hated.

"Meet me in the alley by the park 2 p.m."

"Okay, bye "she replied clicking the call end button.

Her messages popped back up, she sighed 'What to tell Bellamy'

Bellamy: You tired? I was thinking if not you could come visit me, I'll even come down and walk with you

He sent it a few minutes ago, she sighed, it was a good bet he gave up on it. Maybe she just wouldn't answer.

She stood plugging the phone in to charge. 'I suppose, I can't just ignore him'

Clarke: I think I'll take a rain check on that. See you in the morning, sweet dreams.

She started getting her bag ready, throwing a few pairs of clothes and toiletries in the backpack before zipping it up. She checked her phone to see if he sent her a message back. Still nothing. 'Great, now he's probably pissed'

She put her tablet away and any loose personal things. She sat down with a pad of paper and three envelopes, She stared at the pad tapping her pencil. Forcing her self to focus, she started her first letter, it would be the easiest and quickest one.


Had a family emergency, will be back in a few weeks hopefully, Take care of the library, second drawer down in my desk hold all my orders for the next few weeks. Just submit one each week and you will be fine, I owe you a lifetime supply of coffee after dumping this on you. Just remember I wouldn't leave you the responsibility if I knew you couldn't handle it. You will do great, no one will even know I'm gone.

Thanks a million,

XOXO Clarke

She sealed it and wrote Charlotte's name on it, leaning it against the candle on the counter. Now for the second one. The longer she put it off the more she would try and talk herself out of leaving letters.


Hey, I left my key in the envelope, had a family emergency I have to tend to, will be back as soon as possible, feel free to use the apartment if you need places for people to sleep on party nights! Rent is paid in advance so no worries.

Thanks for everything xoxoxox,


She dropped her key in the center folded the letter sealed the envelope and leaned it against Charlotte's. She sat looking at the paper in front of her for awhile, she could lie, he would be able to tell, she had to lie, if someone else found the letter they couldn't know that he knew. She hesitated checking her phone, still no answer to her text. She picked

up her pencil and pressed it to the paper.


Hello, my hostile patron, I know you probably already pissed just by seeing the letter sitting on the counter, I'm okay, I promise, I have to take a little trip, I should be back soon! Please look after my apartment, Octavia has the key. Know that I'll be thinking of you every day and I can't wait to be back with all of you. Finish out this soccer season on top!, we worked to hard to let it all fall apart. Tell everyone I am immensely sorry, but it's an emergency, no choice in the matter. Don't give Charlotte to much trouble at the library. May we meet again.

Your Princess,

Clarke xoxox

She re-read it before sealing it and scrolling his name on the front, leaving it lay on the counter. She checked her phone again, no reply, this was crazy. Like she was a teenager waiting for a call. She shook her head walking over to turn the lights out. Just as she flicked the switch a knock sounded on her door. She smiled to herself. 'No wonder hes not answering the text' she thought as she unlatched the door. She opened it wearing a smile meant for Bellamy, instant fear running over her when she realized that wasn't who was at her door. She took a step back panic ricocheting through her. Before she could process her next move the two men at the door glanced into the dark apartment before gripping her arm. She heard her phone buzz on the counter as they yanked her out the door. Leaving the awaited message unread and flashing across her phone.

Bellamy: You don't need a rain check, you are always welcome, Sweet Dreams Princess...

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