Chapter 12

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Bellamy hasn't seen much of Clarke the past two weeks aside from morning runs, practice, games, and his mini defense training sessions. She has been renovating the library one section at a time and has been absolutely exhausted by the time she hits her apartment. It was Sunday morning and he was laying in his bed thinking about the week to come, they were playing the Vikings Tuesday and he was debating benching her. He expected that to be a challenge, that is if he was brave enough to do it. He heard a knock on the door and Miller's voice. Before he could get up to put clothes on, a knock sounded on his bedroom door.

"Come in" he said expecting it to be Octavia. He couldn't help but wish he got up earlier and put clothes on when he saw Clarke walk in his room and lay herself next to him on the bed. At least he had boxers on.

"Morning Sunshine" She smiled.

"Good Morning, No Library duties today?" He asked pulling his blanket higher.

"Nope, I stayed late and finished them all last night, went to get coffee with Octavia and we headed straight here, as much as I hate to admit it, I missed you" She smiled.

"You missed me?" He questioned stopping to look at her.

"I'm not saying it twice, now get up!" she said playfully pushing him lightly.

"I don't want to"

"Pretty please" she half laid on top of him giving him a pouty face.

"You have no influence here" He smiled rolling over putting him half on top of her.

"You can't hold me here forever, I was hoping for some defense training this morning, I cut our first two sessions short , We have only done brief basic stuff, and it has mainly been you showing me on Lincoln. I want to be involved" she told him. He was avoiding that. He doesn't want to hurt her, he doesn't want to have to have her wrapped in his arms, being to close to her clouds his judgement.

"But I don't want to get up yet" he whined burying his head in her neck half muffled.

Bellamy, get off of me" she said pushing him lightly. He lifted his head meeting her eyes.

"You wanted training, lets start now, make me get off you" he stated his gaze locked on hers. He grabbed her wrists roughly holding them out to her sides pinning her to the bed. He could feel his heart rate speed up. He could feel her test his hold causing him to grip her tighter.

Clarke was having second thoughts about this, over the past few weeks she found it easy to ignore her attraction to Bellamy, but being pinned down on his bed with his hot breath ghosting across her neck was going to do her in. She never even knew being restrained was a thing for her, she was fighting herself to control her breathing as she tried to lift her hands. The second she felt the weakness he tightened his grip. She pushed her body into his trying to flip them over. Blush tinted her cheeks. Only thing she was succeeding at was a quick trip to needing a cold shower.

Bellamy couldn't move his mind past her pushing her body up against his. The more she struggled the more her tank top strap slid down her arm, the more the hem of her shirt inched up and the more Bellamy had to force himself to concentrate. Judging by her reaction he was vaguely sure he wasn't alone.

"Use your legs for leverage Clarke" he whispered next to her ear placing most his weight on her upper body. She followed his instructions flipping them over and landing on top of him on the floor with a thud. She scrambled to get up, her body searing with want for Bellamy, She needed to distance herself. He got up just as fast grabbing her from behind and placing a hand over her mouth.

"We are not done, I can't help you until I see what you already know" He said pulling her tight to him. She nodded fighting him with all she had. She got out of the hold and turned to hit him but he was closer then she thought. The ring she had on caught his cheek, causing him to step back. He looked at her impressed by what he saw. She was a fighter and she stood half a chance if attacked. She looked at him, her features full of concern.

"Oh Bellamy, Come on, hurry up before you bleed on your carpet." She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door. He stepped in front of her pulling her into the next doorway and closing the door. He looked in the mirror, she grabbed a wash cloth running it under cold water.

"Sit Down" She said , he glanced at her in the mirror as he sat down. She turned pressing the cloth to his face. He smirked at her.

"What's so funny Bellamy? I hurt you, gosh I feel awful"

"I'm just glad you hurt me before I hurt you, It was coming, I was holding back" He smiled.

She just shook her head returning his smile. She pulled the wash cloth away, the bleeding had stopped.

"It's not deep, no stitches, you need to think of a good story now" she laughed.

"I'm just going to tell people you attacked me " he laughed.

"Real nice" she replied laughing with him as she opened the door. She went to join Octavia and Miller while he went to get dressed.


Clarke turned hearing Octavia gasp. Bellamy just smirked pointing at her.

"It wasn't on purpose, geeze" Clarke explained.

"Need some ice for that?" Miller asked, Clarke narrowed her eyes at him.

" Oh, please, I already tended to him, he's fine"

" She's right, she took good care of me" he smiled winking at her.

"Oh, please, I give up, you wish" she shot back at hiim.

"Okay, so after Tuesday's game Raven is having a house warming party, her and Wick just moved in together, she has friends from all over visiting, gonna be the event of the summer. We need to get them a house warming gift" Octavia said heading for the door, Clarke following close behind. Bellamy and Miller groaned knowing that every second up until soccer practice would be filled with shopping and girl talk, about housewarmings and love and all the stuff they usually managed to avoid. Their afternoon was guaranteed to be long, however long it might be, they would endure it to spend time together, a constant countdown till practice in their minds.

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