Chapter 18

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Bellamy, Octavia, and Lincoln stood at Octavia's counter in her kitchen talking. Bellamy glancing at the time on the microwave.

"She must be ready by now" He stated. The three of them walking out into the hallway, Lincoln paused to lock up as Octavia walked to Clarke's door. She knocked once and the door clicked open. Bellamy felt his heart drop.

"Clarke!" He yelled walking in and searching the apartment. He moved room to room feeling the panic start to take over. His mind was occupied with thoughts scolding himself for not staying with her.

"Bell" Octavia called, He walked into the living room seeing her reading a note and holding a key.

"The note says she had a family emergency, to look after the apartment" Octavia stated. 'Family emergency, my ass' . Bellamy looked to the counter grabbing the envelope with his name on it, that's when he noticed her phone. He opened it up, his message on the top screen, She didn't even read it, and she always locked her apartment, 'What the Hell did she do, she had time to write a letter but not fucking call me'.He slammed his hands off the counter receiving looks from his sister and Lincoln.

"Here Bell" Octavia said handing him Clarke's key.

"She would want you to have it if anyone. I know her, she was just trying to make me feel important too" Octavia smiled, her smile faded quickly, her brothers dark eyes meeting her own. Something was wrong.

"Bell, what is it?" Octavia asked.

"There is a lot you don't know about Clarke, Call Harper and Raven, Get Monty, Jasper, Wick, and Miller over here. Fuck her secret, we need to find her." Bellamy said. Octavia hesitated watching him intently.

"Now O, she's in danger" he added. Octavia turning as Lincoln nodded following her out to their apartment, closing the door behind him.

Bellamy unplugged her phone putting it in his pocket. He looked down at the letter in his hands. Running his fingers over the letters of his name along the front of the envelope.

"Clarke, what did you do? where are you?" He whispered to no one. He slowly flipped the envelope over opening it before sliding the handwritten letter into his hands. He took a deep breath hopefully helping him to be ready for whatever could be written in the letter, he unfolded it slowly. His eyes focusing on her writing.


Hello, my hostile patron, I know you probably already pissed just by seeing the letter sitting on the counter, I'm okay, I promise, I have to take a little trip, I should be back soon! Please look after my apartment, Octavia has the key. Know that I'll be thinking of you every day and I can't wait to be back with all of you. Finish out this soccer season on top!, we worked to hard to let it all fall apart. Tell everyone I am immensely sorry, but it's an emergency, no choice in the matter. Don't give Charlotte to much trouble at the library. May we meet again.

Your Princess,

Clarke xoxox

He smirked at the thought of her being His Princess and the fact that she called him Her Hostile Patron. It was something small and insignificant to anyone else but he got the message. She wouldn't have been careless, she wouldn't have left letters where anyone could find them or see the names of her friends. She would have slid the envelopes under Octavia's door before she left, she would have taken her phone, she would have locked her apartment. She would have told him, maybe. Something was wrong, he knew it. He stood grabbing Charlotte's letter and heading for the door, the backpack on the floor caught his attention. He knelt down unzipping it, it was full of clothes, a phone charger and her apartment and library keys sitting on top. She was going to leave, she was prepared to run, and she did leave, only it wasn't her choice. He knew Clarke better than that.

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