Chapter 23

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Clarke was halfway down the hall when she heard the door open and close, the locks clicking in place signaled it was Bellamy. She paused in the hallway leaning against the wall, he rounded the corner at a fast pace before coming to an abrupt halt seeing her there. He stood not sure what the next move should be, watching her stare down at her hands. He wanted more than anything to just pull her into his arms. He forced himself to stay an arms length away, so she would have to come to him and he avoided making the situation worse.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly. She gave him a small nod.

"Do you want to to talk about it?" He asked, her head shot up and her eyes met his.

"Not really, were you going to tell me about your secret life at some point?" She asked.

"No, it's in the past" he replied honestly.

"It's in the past, but it's a drastic life change." she replied.

"You wouldn't tell me about your situation, you kept everything vague, when I saw Finn was the friend you knew, I was scared to say anything, I knew you would just pull away, like I had connections to the people chasing you, truth being even if I did, I would have never given your location away." Bellamy sighed leaning against the wall opposite her.

"I know, I trust you" she replied barely audible, she slid down the wall till she could sit on the floor, pulling her knees to her chest and resting her head on them. He mirrored her decent to the floor, stretching his long legs out on each side of her.

"Clarke, you will get through this, It's over, you are safe now" Bellamy's confident voice rang in her ears. She looked up at him teary eyed.

"Bell, I was so scared, I heard a knock on the door, and you weren't answering my text so I thought you had come to see me, I never even checked the peep hole, just opened the door, next thing I knew I was dragged to a car and shoved in" she spoke so quietly he had to focus on her voice to really hear her. His eyes searched hers, they were full of emotion, he remained silent willing her to go on, she needed to tell someone. She took a shaky breath, her voice louder this time.

"When I woke up all I could smell was your cologne, I was so scared that they had you too, until I realized I was wearing your sweatshirt. I was happy it was just the shirt and not you. Then I saw Lexa and knew she had to be the one to contact Nyko. I was never so relieved, as I was to see Murphy be made to be my babysitter" She paused.

"And the guy with the busted face?" Bellamy asked, the thought of someone trying to hurt her angering him intensely.

"Lexa, mentioned them shooting me and coming after you and Charlotte, I spit on her and he tried to grab me, I used some of your training to get away, Murphy grabbed me after that and took me to the car. He showed me the text you sent him. After that you were there, I was scared, scared you, Roma, or Murphy would be hurt because of me, then I wasn't sure what was going to happen, everything was spiraling out of control fast. " She finished looking up at him. He nodded.

"That's the truth, I was starting to question how it would play out, I know one thing, No one was going to hurt you, even if I had to shoot someone and blow the deal to hell" he replied.

"Murphy shoved me in the car with the keys in my hand and locked the doors before he closed mine, he knew it would cause a problem" she said.

"He was buying me time, we read each other well Clarke, he knew what he was doing" Bellamy stated tapping her with his foot so she would look at him.

"What would have happened if one of you got caught, I would have had to watch people who were helping me be killed. I wouldn't have just stood there, I would have begged them to kill me instead. Bellamy, I couldn't bear that, I wouldn't know what to do without you" She sobbed. He couldn't take it anymore, He stood scooping her up and carrying her to her room. He laid her gently on the bed, sitting next to her, he looked down at her, watching the emotions run through her eyes, with one hand he ran his fingers through her hair , his other hand held hers.

"Clarke I told you, you would always be safe with me, It wasn't a lie, there is no sense in getting worked up about what could have been, you and I are both safe, here, together." his voice was calm and soothing to her, she nodded slightly the tears running down her cheeks gradually slowing their pace.

"I'm going to take a shower quick" She mumbled standing up. He nodded not wanting let go of her hand. She gave him a small smile, before pulling her hand from his grasp and grabbing clothes. He laid back on the bed, his eyes begged to be closed for a minute. He gladly obliged removing his shoes and laying his head on one of the pillows, resting his eyes for a few seconds. When Clarke came out of the bathroom she found him sound asleep on the bed. She smirked to herself shaking her head. She walked to the kitchen thankful that she purchased two bags of chicken teriyaki stir fry skillet meals. She was starving but surely didn't want to go out to get anything. She made dinner quickly, answering some text messages from Miller, Octavia, and Charlotte while she was waiting for dinner to get done. She did a quick taste test, turned the stove off moving the wok to the center of the counter top and heading down the hallway to wake Bellamy.

"Bell, c'mon, wake up" She called shaking him lightly. He stirred slightly re-positioning himself.

"No you don't, Bellamy Blake get up! I made dinner" She said louder shaking him again. She smiled seeing him stretch slightly, his eyes meeting hers.

"Did you say dinner?" he asked, a smirk crossing his face.

"I did, now come on, let's eat" she said pulling him up by his hand. He stood taking a second to stretch again, before following her down the hall.

She put bowls and utensils out, they filled their dishes and ate in silence, just enjoying each others company. Bellamy did the dishes quick and then grabbed a beer from the fridge, he poured Clarke a glass of wine and they moved to the couch. Clarke chose a movie and cuddled up to Bellamy, She was fast asleep before she finished the movie or the wine. He laid there for awhile enjoying having her sleeping on him, the days events crossing his mind, they were lucky, it could have ended many different ways, nothing could have topped this moment though. He smiled at the sleeping girl in his lap 'My princess' before shifting her and taking their glasses to the kitchen. He came back and lifted her off the couch, and putting her into her bed. He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Princess" he whispered as he covered her up. He switched the light off and made his way to the couch. He would have loved to crawl in bed with her, but part of him was still on high alert, and the couch put him in between any impossible intruder and Clarke. It's not like after today he was going to sleep much anyway.

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