Chapter 20

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Bellamy followed Roma out to the street, his mind reeling from everything going on, he was too close to overload for his liking. He looked up at the woman in front of him shaking his head at the irony of the situation. 'Who would have thought her profession would help me out at some point' He listened to her talk on the phone as they walked at a brisk pace along the alleyways of the city, they were moving towards the warehouse she did business out of. A place he swore to himself he would not set foot in again after the last time he was there.

His thoughts were lost on Clarke, the image of her standing at her door before he left last night. He couldn't bare to think that could be the last time he would see her. He looked back up at Roma who was now silent, her pace quickening.

"Your thought's are deafening Bellamy, no one moves around this city without my grandfather knowing. They are holding her somewhere close, waiting for Nyko to arrive, then they will bring her to him. As soon as Nyko lands we will be informed" she stated as they crossed the parking lot to the warehouse. He paused at the door, hesitating to cross back into that world. A world that almost took his sister from him, a world that he almost got lost in.

"Bellamy, let's go" Roma snapped, shaking him out of his thoughts. He gave her a nod before trailing behind her. Everyone addressed her as they made there way to the back business offices, a good amount of the workers also gave Bellamy a nod or a brief "Long time no see B". He just nodded to the remarks, his mind was on one track and if it didn't involve Clarke he had no time for it. They stepped into Roma's office closing the door behind them.

"Do you remember the last job you did for for us?" Roma asked. Bellamy met her eyes nodding his answer. His eyes narrowed watching her suspiciously as she shifted.

"Well that's how this is going to play out, you make the sale in exchange for her, Nyko is looking to make a purchase so we are going to give him one hell of a deal, as long as he releases Clarke to us and considers her debt taken care of. The original plan was the same except Murphy was going to handle the sale"

"Roma, I don't live this life anymore" he stated.

"You are going to have to pretend for the next twenty-four hours" she retorted before showing him the message explaining the deal.

He was going over the products when his phone rang, He answered promptly after recognizing Murphy's number from Clarke's phone.


"Bellamy, shes safe for now, I'm on babysitting detail, she will be with me till Nyko arrives." Murphy's voice sent a shock wave of relief through him. 'She was alive, and safe'

"Where are you?"

"A safe house on the outskirts of town, we are expecting to move in the next hour or so, I have to go, someones coming" Murphy finished quickly before hanging up.

Bellamy ran his hands through his hair.

"They are moving her within the hour" he said looking to Roma.

"Okay, we will know where she is going don't worry. John knows what he's doing" she replied.

"You and Murphy are close?"

"Yea, you could say that, we just started dating" she replied with a smile.

"That's good, he seems nice" Bellamy said scanning the numbers on the sheet quick.

He ran his fingers down the sheet cross checking the prices.

"Why am I doing this, you aren't making any money" he asked Roma.

"We understand the situation and it's not right, we don't lose money but we don't make any, we are hoping to create a business connection so he becomes a frequent buyer"

"Since when do we understand the situation if it doesn't benefit us" He asked loudly, something was being kept from him, he could feel it.

Roma shifted her weight, before glancing up at Bellamy.

"We may have had something to do with the death of her friend" she said quietly.

Bellamy just stood in the middle of the room staring at her.

"He made a few bad deals, asked us for a loan, we gave him some jobs to reimburse us for the loan, one deal went bad, so we couldn't pay him for the job, we didn't know he owed Nyko all that money. Nyko called on him that day and he couldn't pay, next thing we knew, he was found dead, if he would have told us what he needed the money for we would have paid it off and had him work for us, in one way I feel bad, but in another it's his own fault" She looked up at him waiting for a response.

"And Clarke?" he asked his voice now quieter.

"We got a message and a brief description of a girl Nyko was looking for, I didn't think it was her though, someone must have realized it, it was called in by a branch of Nyko's that's local. Lexa Woods" she answered. Bellamy's eyes shot up.

"Lexa, she's on Gustus' soccer team" he replied.

"I'd say it's safe to say the majority of them are Nyko's runners then, they tend to stick together" Roma answered.

"Okay then, and nothing will be needed from me after this to repay?"

"No, we know why you steer clear, and that's fine with us, family first, now lets load this stuff in the truck." she replied.

They loaded everything, Roma was on her phone finalizing times. Bellamy's phone buzzed in his pocket.

He opened it to read the message.

Murphy: We are loading her now

Bellamy paused before replying

Bellamy: Protect her with your life, If she dies I'll murder you.

He shut the phone looking to Roma.

"Ready?" she asked. He nodded acknowledging he heard her before pulling himself up in the truck. His mind was on high alert, every little movement caught his attention. It had been a while ago since he did this and the stress was part of the reason he hated it. This could go wrong in so many ways, and the fact that Clarke's life was a factor made him nauseous along with infuriated him. He sat straighter in his seat, putting a neutral expression on. 'I can do this, I am going to do this' He let his thought's repeat a few times. The truck started to slow and turned towards the docks, he knew they were close, the best place for business, you could import, export, and dispose of a body all at the same time, while making a quick exit. Roma came to a stop next to a storage container, she handed him a pistol.

"It's loaded, just a precaution" she stated opening her door and hopping out.

He took it from her tucking it in his pants, before following her lead and jumping down from the truck. His eyes scanned the lot, he saw nothing, no activity, people, not even a bird. So they would just sit and wait.

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