Chapter 16

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Clarke tossed and turned all night long, sometime in the early morning hours sleep won and took her over fully. Bellamy was thankful when he heard her breathing even out. He's never seen anyone that restless.

His alarm on his watch went off signalling it was time to get up, he rose careful to not wake her as he made his way to the kitchen. He sent Charlotte a text from Clarke's phone saying she was sick and asking if she could cover. She responded quickly, wanting to know if it was an excuse to play doctor with Bellamy. He couldn't help but laugh. She followed that with well wishes for a speedy recovery. He set the phone down and started coffee.

He was about to sit on a stool at the counter when a knock sounded at the door.

"Who the fuck is up at five thirty" he mumbled on his way to the door. He slowly unlocked her fortress before opening the door to reveal Octavia.

"Oh, hey, Charlotte said Clarke is sick, after she needed to leave early last night, I figured I'd check on her. "

"I got it under control O" Bellamy said leaning against the door.

"I see that, if you need anything just text me, Lincoln and I are going to head out on our run" she stated walking towards the stairs.

"Yeah alright, thanks" he replied closing the door and locking it back up.


Clarke awoke to the smell of coffee 'Bellamy' she thought with a smile. She stretched fighting the battle of whether to get up or not. She glanced at the time groaning as she stood. She slowly made her way down the hall to the kitchen. Bellamy sat at the counter reading a magazine, he looked gorgeous this early in the morning, his hair every which way, sitting at her counter like he belonged there. She was watching him instead of where she was going until she bumped into the end table, thankfully she managed to save the lamp before it crashed down on to the floor.

"I should have stayed in bed" she mumbled causing Bellamy to chuckle.

"Just need coffee, it happens, sit down" he smiled as he got up to pour her a cup and slid it along the counter to her. She pulled the stool up across from him sitting down and taking a sip of the hot soul soothing substance.

"I messaged Charlotte, told her you were sick. I think it's time you told me everything, seems to me people from your past are catching up with you" He said watching her intently. She just nodded taking another sip.

"Okay so I'll just get it out then. I lived with a friend of mine, Finn Collins, who coincidentally I saw in a picture with Raven on her wall, hence the rush to leave and running into Murphy there." she stopped to take another sip.

"So Murphy is a mutual friend of all three of you and Finn too, but you never met Raven?"

"Nope, not until I moved here and Octavia introduced us. Anyway Finn and Murphy belonged to some gang or something, I don't know what they did for them, or even what gang it is, I never asked, I just knew it was bad news and we left it at that. Two weeks before Finn turned up dead he told me if anything happened to him I needed to get out of town quick"

"And that's how you ended up here?"

"Yup, fly by night pretty much, I packed up and moved out in a four hour time period, missed the funeral, I never even left a note for my friends, I didn't want them to have any connection to me, I just up and left, most of my stuff still sitting in my apartment down there, or at least it was, I'm sure the landlord has sold it by now. I was here almost two weeks and then Nyko, Murphy's Boss, called me, that day in the park, that you saw me."

"When you threw the phone out?"

"Yeah, he told me I had to pay off Finn's debt, he has no family, no girlfriend, so apparently being his roommate made me the next target, he said he would contact me again and if I ignored them, they would find me and pay a visit"

"The amount of the debt?"

"I don't know, he never told me, I'm assuming it must be substantial or he wouldn't be worried about it, I deleted all my social media accounts, threw my phone out, closed the account, closed all my email accounts. The phone I have now is prepaid, I steal wifi from Octavia to use my tablet but I never enter my name in anything" He reached his hand across the counter taking hers.

"We are going to figure something out"

"We? Bellamy this isn't your problem, keep your distance, I don't want you to get caught up in this" she replied her eyes tearing up.

"Clarke, let me at least try and help"

"Bellamy, there is no way to help without giving away my location, as soon as you start searching names or people or places, they will know where I am. I thought about telling Harper, all it's going to do is bring them to my door faster"

"And you are positive Raven doesn't know this stuff?, do you trust Murphy?" he asked her.

"Yea, I'm sure Raven doesn't know, and no, I don't trust Murphy, however I am in a situation where I am going to have to give him the benefit of the doubt"

Bellamy just nodded , this situation was not a favorable one and that was obvious. He felt like he was at the mercy of waiting to see if they found her or not.


Part of her hated the fact that she let Bellamy in, it was a weak moment where she needed someone to talk to, someone to know what was going on, now she is sorry she did it. She was sorry she opened up to him because it brought them closer, and it is clear that he is not going to let her face this alone. Her biggest fear and all her actions have been based on her friends and not letting them get involved or dragged into this. She wouldn't be another Finn, her friends safety would come first.

She sat watching Bellamy across the counter, he looked frustrated and she knew he was trying to wrap his mind around all of this. Hell she was still trying to wrap her mind around all of it.

"Bellamy, lets go get some breakfast" she said, they needed a break, something to take his mind off all this crap. Something to give her the time she needed to figure the best option out.

"Yeah, sounds good, I'm starved"

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