Chapter 31

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Clarke watched Nyko exit, a feeling of relief washing over her, just as the door shut it flung back open, Wells, Monroe, and Maya entered with pizza. Bellamy sat at the foot of her bed just looking at the floor. She nudged him with her foot, he let out a sigh before standing and turning towards her. She looked up meeting his gaze expecting him to move to sit next to her. When her eyes met his, it wasn't her Bellamy looking at her. They were void of all emotion, she wanted him to pull her in his arms and kiss her, kiss her like he did that day on the porch before she left. She searched his eyes silently pleading with him to sit down. She could tell by the way he stood there, by the way he shut her out, that he was leaving, getting ready to distance himself. She knew because normally that was her route to take.

"Bell" Clarke started.

"Clarke, don't, this is all my fault, all of it" he said cutting her off, motioning to Murphy.

"What, Bell, don't be stupid" Clarke stated sitting up more.

"Clarke, enough, the day I let you keep my sweatshirt, wearing my name around, for everyone to see, it was the biggest mistake I've ever made." he yelled at her.

"Bell, please, don't do this, I would go through it all over again if I knew it led to you" She cried.

"That's the problem, everything you went through, is because of who I am."

"Bull shit, people don't wake up in the morning and wonder how they can fuck up your world" she retorted growing more angry by the second. The room was dead silent except for them. All eyes studying the floor.

"Did you hear what they called you, 'The Rebel Queen' , making you my significant other. Putting you in danger, it's like it's a fucking challenge" he stated through clenched teeth.

"Bellamy, I don't care what they think, I want to be with you" She replied, her voice cracking slightly. His eyes met hers, and a spark of emotion crossed them before he looked away, heading for the door. She felt her heart sink, seeing him pause gave her a small amount of hope, if only he would just turn around. Then she heard him address her friend.

"Wells, make sure she gets home alright" he stated before walking out, not waiting for a response. Then it hit her, she wasn't going to let him just walk away from her, she could handle herself, and didn't need his protection. She walked away from him to protect him and now he was doing the same thing, but he couldn't, she needed him. She sat up pushing the nurses button as she threw her legs over the side of the bed. The intercom beeped before a voice came over it.

"Ms. Griffin, what do you need?" the nurses voice brought everyone's attention to her.

"I'm signing myself out, now" she replied taking her I.V. out before standing. She stumbled slightly, a result of the combination of pain and the sudden decent to the floor. She was fully dressed when she heard the nurse's voice again.

"Mr. Murphy, can I help you?" She asked.

"Might as well bring my papers too, If she's leaving so am I" he stated. Her eyes shot to him, he gave her a smirk. Roma stood shaking her head.

"You two are incorrigible" Roma stated.

"Wait you can't just leave" Wells said standing.

"Watch us" Clarke replied as a nurse entered the room.

"You have four broken ribs and a concussion, and twelve stitches due to a face laceration, not to mention several bruised muscles, you shouldn't be doing this." she said to Clarke before handing her the paper to sign.

"I need to do this" she replied signing and taking her copy, the nurse turned to a now fully clothed Murphy.

"Mr. Murphy, three broken ribs, fifteen stitches a result of a laceration to the head, broken nose, and concussion, sign at the bottom" she said not even bothering to argue. As soon as he signed and stuffed his copy in his pocket, Roma's phone went off.

"Nyko, found the guys, he has them all at his warehouse, Bellamy, is on his way there" She stated. Clarke looked to Wells.

"I need your car, you can't come though." she pleaded. He shook his head.

"Don't make me regret this" he said as he dropped the keys in to her hand.

"Thank You" she replied handing them to Roma. Murphy and Clarke walked at as quick of a pace as they could to the car. Both sore, both fighting pain and some dizziness. As soon as Clarke slid in the back seat she thanked the gods for her purse being in the car. She opened it, searching for the white bottle. Once she found it she took a handful of Motrin before handing it to Murphy, who in turn did the same. Roma glanced at them as she headed across town.

"You two know Bellamy is going to be pissed." She stated.

"Good, I'm up for a challenge" Clarke replied quickly, happy the aspirin was starting to kick in.

"That's good, at least one of us can stand up to him" Murphy laughed, wincing at the pain it caused his ribs.

"Idiots" Roma said, in a sweet voice, almost like a term of endearment, almost.

She pulled in the parking lot getting out and moving to the front of the vehicle waiting for John and Clarke to join her.

They walked to the warehouse door together, Clarke stopping to take a few small slow breaths before stepping in front and opening the door. Some of Finn's old friends nodded greetings to her as she made her way to the back. She heard someone cry out in pain as she reached the door. She hesitated taking a second to turn to Murphy.

"Holding up?" She asked

"Yeah, let's get this over with" he replied. She took a deep breath and opened the door, standing tall and swallowing her pain as she stepped into the room. She glanced around seeing the guys from earlier sitting along the wall, all except Emerson. Bellamy was on top of someone, landing blows repeatedly on the person she was assuming to be Emerson.

"Well, well, well, If it isn't her highness" Cage's voice carried across the room. Bellamy's movement stilled instantly. He stood slowly turning to come face to face with her. His eyes locked with hers, they were dark and dangerous, they were a mirror reflection of his. Void of emotion and burning with intensity.

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