Chapter 27

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Clarke woke up, the smell of coffee drifting through the apartment. She emerged from her room, everyone was already gone, a note on the table.


Didn't want to wake you, jet lag is a bitch, set coffee up for you, and left the keys hanging on the door, Maya will drop me off at work, the cars yours, pick me up 5 please.


She smiled pouring a cup of coffee, 'my friends are the best'. She rushed through her morning routine knowing the landlord only hung around for a small amount of time. She pulled in the parking lot taking note that his car was still there, she grabbed her purse and walked into his office in a hurry slamming into someone.

"Easy Griffin" the voice said as the hand reached out to steady her. 'Emerson'

"Don't touch me" she replied pulling away from him, the last time she saw him he showed up to pick up Finn, the night he was killed.

"Next time I'll let you fall" he smiled giving her the once over before walking into the foyer. She felt the shudder caused by his eyes lingering on her course through her body at a rapid rate.

"Asshole" she muttered.

"I agree" the man behind the desk commented with a chuckle.

"Mr. Thompson, How are you?" Clarke smiled.

"I'm good sweetie, your friends filled me in on an out of state emergency, so we broke your lease early."

"Thank you so much for your understanding, Is their a remaining balance?" Clarke asked.

"Let me check, looks like, two hundred fifteen is the remaining for the cleaning and the week it took them to move your stuff out." he replied.

"Sounds great, let me take care of that now" She replied pulling her check book out paying her bill.

"You always were one of my best tenants" he smiled placing the check in the safe.

"Thank you Mr. Thompson, I hope everything is well, It was nice seeing you" She stated standing.

"Yes nice seeing you as well Clarke" he replied as she walked out to the car.

She drove around for awhile trying to avoid the one place she knew she needed to go. The town wasn't that big, inevitably she would have to drive past it. She could feel it approaching, the air in the car seemed to thicken. Her mind willed her to keep going. She brought the car to a stop in front of the gates. Her eyes scanned the large field looking for a clue as to a direction of his plot. There was another car there, she could see the guy standing in front of one of the back corner plots. She got out of her car and slowly made her way to the first row, continuing walking along row by row, scanning names for his.

"Clarke?" She turned hearing her name.


"Yea, came to pack up, Nyko and Roma cut a deal, I'm moving in with her, now you'll get to see me all the time" he smiled.

"Oh, joy" she joked.

"C'mon, I'll show you where he is." he said stepping in front of her and leading her to the plot she saw him standing in front of earlier.

"Thank you, for everything Murphy" she stated.

"Yeah, help you or have Bellamy kill me, I wouldn't call it a favor to you, more like helping myself out."

"Yeah, of course" she smiled.

"I'll leave you to talk, see you when you get home" he replied giving her a kiss on the cheek and heading for his car.

She stood silently taking in the headstone in front of her. Her mind reeling from sadness to anger, she didn't know if she wanted to scream at him, or sit and cry for him. She debated walking back to her car without a word. That would have made this whole trip a waste of time though.

"Finn, I'm at a loss as to what to say, I am so unbelievably mad at you for leaving me in a position that put my friends in danger. However part of me wants to believe that wasn't your intention. Why couldn't you find a normal job, like a normal person. Why couldn't you have told us you needed money, we would have tried to help you. Part of me knows that you knew this was going to be your fate that day you told me to run, I think you knew the day Emerson picked you up. You always said see you tomorrow, that night you said goodbye and kissed my cheek, it didn't hit me then but it did now, You knew you wouldn't be coming home. Your an asshole" She spoke in a raised voice before she dropped to her knees.

"You were my best friend, and you left me" She whispered. She wiped at the few tears that slid down her cheeks.

"You would be happy with where I am now, I have a job I love, friends you would like, some you already have met. They are always there for me. There's one who you have met named Bellamy, for some reason I don't think you two would have clicked, but with him I feel safe, I know you would have accepted him if only for that reason. Oh and I met Raven, she's something else, She misses you too, and Murphy does too believe it or not, who knew he has a heart. I miss you, but piece of you will always be with me, the same piece of me that left this world with you." Clarke took a picture of her and Finn out of her pocket running her fingers over it one last time, taking in every detail before she laid it on his headstone, using a small rock to hold it down, she took a step back.

"I came here for closure, but this isn't goodbye Finn, more like a see you around. I miss you." she spoke quietly pressing her fingers to her lips then to the headstone.

"May we meet again, Finn Collins, May we meet again." she whispered as she turned heading towards the car.


Murphy stood in the warehouse emptying his locker, taking one last look around, this was it, on to bigger and better things. He turned heading for the door, just as it swung open, Emerson's voice echoed through the empty room.

"I saw Clarke Griffin today." he stated.

"Oh yeah, alone? I hear her new man is no joke." the voice of Cage answered. Murphy slowed giving him time to eavesdrop.

"That's what they say, didn't see him though, she was definitely alone" Cage replied.

"I saw her today too" Murphy spoke up. He was hoping if he joined the conversation he could divert any potential problem. They both rounded the corner coming into view.

"Hey Murphy, didn't know you were in here." Emerson stated.

"Her new man with her?" Cage asked

"Not that I saw but I can't imagine hes too far away"

"You have met him, right?" Emerson questioned.

"Yea the dude is no joke, he is all business, no games, not a person you want to cross, besides Nyko handled that debt" Murphy answered. As soon as he said it he knew he fucked up, they could see he wasn't one of them anymore. They just nodded in acknowledgement. Shutting the conversation down instantly.

"Good Luck in your new business" Emerson said walking past him, Cage just mock saluted him following in Emerson's footsteps.

"Thanks" Murphy muttered. As soon as he got in his car he sent Clarke a text message.

Murphy: Watch your surroundings, some of Nyko's crew is antsy with you being back. I don't think you are in danger but it doesn't hurt to stay alert.

She replied instantly.

Clarke: Will do, See you in a few days.

He read the message quickly before calling Roma to let her know he was leaving now and would be home in a few days.

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