Chapter 10

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"I'd say she was pretty bad ass today" Octavia stated after Clarke left.

"Trouble, is what she is" Bellamy answered, Lincoln and Wick nodding in agreement.

"How is that trouble, she stood up for you Bellamy" Raven stated.

"Yeah, she didn't have to, she chose to" Octavia added.

"And what would have happened if it didn't go that smoothly, she could have gotten hurt, it could have started a damn brawl in the coffee shop"

"I'd say she had you pretty well under control, not that she couldn't be trouble, I don't know a female who isn't trouble to some extent" Lincoln stated receiving looks from Raven and Octavia.

"I just don't like the idea of her having no fear, either she came from a rough situation or shes not thinking clearly" He said concern in his voice.

"You like her" Raven stated watching him closely.

"Of course, she's my friend" he replied.

"So if that was me you would be worried" she asked.

"No, God help the man who infuriates Raven Reyes" he laughed.

"But I would be worried if it was Octavia" he added.

"I thought it was awesome, I also think they will gun for her at the game because they know it's your weakness" Wick said to Bellamy.

"I don't know, she's no more my weakness then the rest of you, I'm going to head out, see everyone Tuesday, see you two in the morning for our run" he motioned to Octavia and Lincoln, before turning and heading out the door.


He headed downstairs and out the door, he heard someone sniffle, looking up he saw Clarke sitting on her balcony, her head in her hands. He could see she was crying. He turned and headed back in and back up the stairs. Her phone buzzed on the table. Bellamy's name flashing across the screen. She took a minute to take a deep breath before answering the phone.


"Hey, Let me in, I saw you crying when I was headed out"

"Bellamy, I'm not in the mood"

"Perfect reason to let me in, because if you don't I'm telling everyone over at Octavia's and then I'm jumping from her balcony to yours, and we can listen to them beat on the door together"

He heard the door unlock the same time he heard his phone beep letting him know she hung up. He let himself in, she was headed to the kitchen grabbing another glass. A half drank bottle of wine and another full one sat on the coffee table with her glass. She motioned to the couch handing him a glass on her way past. She flicked on Netflix and poured him a drink. He just watched her quietly.

"Did you stop in to not talk?" she asked, he couldn't help but notice her eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" he asked. She leaned back,

"Just homesick I guess." She looked to him. He nodded.

"The other day you said it's never as bad as it seems, what if it is, and has the potential to be worse" His eyes met hers, she was scared, of what he had no idea, but whatever it was shook her and that was enough to worry him.

"Clarke, are you running from someone?" he asked bluntly, no sense beating around the bush, she already let on that she is in trouble.

"Someone or something, a group of people really" she answered downing her glass and pouring another.

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