Chapter 28

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Murphy stopped at the last gas station in town, his intentions were to fill up before he left. He pumped the gas, paid the clerk and got back in his car just in time to hear his phone chime.

Cage: You interested in one last job? Make a quick $200 before hitting the road, Won't take long, under an hour.

Murphy sat reading the message again.

"$200, hmm, That would cover gas home" he said to himself.

Murphy: Yea, why not, for old times sake. He replied.

Cage: 1265 Whistle Drive, be there at 3 sharp.

Murphy sent Roma a message letting her know he had one more thing to take care of then he would be headed her way.


Clarke pulled into Wells parking lot and headed to the apartment. She decided to kill time by unpacking, sorting, and repacking her stuff. There was no point in saving stuff she didn't want and dragging it half way across the country with her. She condensed four boxes into one which was great. She noticed a few boxes labeled Finn. She was going to open them and then stopped, deciding she would take them and open them with Raven. She stacked them, and the boxes she repacked against the wall next to the door. She headed to the kitchen grabbing a drink and then continued back to her sorting. By the time she was all said and done she condensed her stuff from seventeen boxes to ten boxes. She stacked the boxes of stuff she didn't want next to the front door. She slipped on shoes and carried them one by one to the car, she would drop them off to Goodwill on the way to pick up Wells. She set the last box in the car and shut the door. This Texas weather was a climate change from the New York weather she was just getting used to. She headed back to the apartment to get water and take a break. She had just reached the door when her phone beeped. She smiled seeing Bellamy's name flash across the screen. She opened the door closing it behind her, glued to her message.

Bellamy: How's my princess today?

She answered quickly

Clarke: Better now that I have heard from you, busy sorting stuff. I'll call you tonight.

Bellamy: I'll be waiting.

She smiled setting the phone down. She looked up to assess what needed to be cleaned, there sat Emerson and Cage on the couch. She nearly toppled over the small table next to the door.

"Easy Griffin, don't touch that door, come sit " Emerson motioned to the chair in front of him. Cage sat still watching her, his gun laying across his lap. Clarke moved slowly to the chair. Just as she sat down a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in" Emerson called. Clarke turned hoping it wasn't any of her friends.

"Murphy? what the hell is this?" Clarke asked.

"Emerson, I told you that debt was settled" Murphy said taking in the situation.

"Her debt with Nyko, yes, but there is a few of us who took the blunt of punishment because she got away" Emerson said, Clarke's eyes widened with fear as one of Nyko's guards and the kid who she assaulted walked out of the kitchen.

"Clarke get up, we are leaving" Murphy said heading to meet her halfway.

"No, Murphy, sit down, stay awhile. You can leave when we say you can leave, we aren't going to kill you or her, it would be a devastating blow for Nyko's ties with Roma's family. No one wants to kill the Mafia Princess' Boyfriend or the Rebel King's girlfriend" Cage spoke up.

Murphy moved to sit on the arm of Clarke's chair.

"So then what is the point of this?" he asked.

"We are going to show Clarke what happens to us when we can't successfully complete a job, but first we want to show her what happens to traitors." Emerson said standing.

Murphy stood not wanting to be at a disadvantage. Cage and the kid she hit brought in a kitchen chair. They sat her in it and tied her loosely in it, She knew she wasn't going to be there long, it was to hinder her from helping Murphy. They moved her back against the wall, Her eyes were glued to Murphy.

"Please, Emerson, don't do this, he didn't do anything, you can take it out on me" She pleaded.

"Shut up Clarke" Murphy ordered.

"Oh, the Rebel Queen, going to protect the Mafia Prince?" Emerson joked. Just then Murphy punched him in the face, drawing his attention back to him. Emerson lunged for him, they rolled around the apartment, knocking furniture every which way, Clarke was trying desperately to get free, the second Murphy appeared to get the upper hand they all jumped in. It was four against one, Clarke almost had her hands out if he could just hold them off a few more seconds. Emerson stood dealing some devastating kicks to Murphy when all of a sudden he felt someone jump on him. A flash of blonde hair hung over his shoulder. He turned slightly dumping her off of him on top of Murphy. She froze at his still form, she could feel his breath on her cheek, he must have passed out from the pain. Emerson went to kick him again and she moved in front of him taking the blunt of it. She screamed in pain.

"You were going to get yours anyway, If this is how you want it, so be it" Emerson said before kicking her again. She felt someone grab her hair and another hit and another kick, she lost count after awhile. She just kept her head buried in Murphy's neck letting her tears run down his shirt. One of the last ones she remembered made her head spin, she felt off balance but knew she wasn't moving. She felt like she was going to throw up any second and then it subsided, everything subsided, the pain, dizziness, the deafening sound. It all subsided. Finally it was quiet, the darkness was peaceful, comforting as she fell into it.

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