Chapter 34

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As soon as Bellamy saw the tears, he instantly regretted lashing out at her, she had no control over what happened. He just wanted to hold her in his arms, and tell her everything was going to be okay. He couldn't get the words he wanted out, instead reached out to her, if he could just touch her, let her know he was sorry. He pulled back when he heard her voice.

"I'm so sorry for everything" she whispered, her voice was barely audible. She paused to clear her throat. Her voice louder this time.

"I'm sorry I am an inconvenience in your life, I told you to stay out of it, you wouldn't listen, I can't change what happened and I'm sorry you got dragged along. So here's your chance, there's the door. Just go home Bellamy." Her eyes met his, all he could see was how hurt she was. He shook his head, he couldn't believe she would just push him away, after everything. He turned to the door, his eyes traveled over the door knob, his way out, out of this room, out of this state, out of Clarke's life. He sighed, that wasn't a route he wanted to take. He turned to see her sitting on the bed, her eyes squeezed shut, tears spilling out the corners, bruises along one cheek bone, stitches adorning the other, even in the state she was in he would tell you she was beautiful. He took a second to admire her courage and beauty before stepping towards her and crouching down in front of her.

"Open your eyes Clarke" he said quietly. She opened her eyes, skeptical of his decision to stay. He sighed as he reached up and wiped her tears away.

"You are a major pain in my ass most days, but never once have I thought my life would have been better if you weren't in it. I have not left yet, and I have no intentions of leaving in the future either, We will figure this all out, I want to be with you." his voice was deep but comforting. She gave him a weak smile. He brought his hand up to her face, his thumb ghosting over her cheek and he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. This kiss wasn't the same as before, the effect of it ran deeper. Clarke could feel her whole body melt into the kiss, like her stress was slowly dissipating.

"Bellamy, I am sorry"

"Clarke don't, just get undressed, get in the bed and rest, please, I'm gonna take a shower and then I'll join you, if that's okay?" he asked. She nodded in response as she kicked her shoes off. She stripped to her underwear and bra, that would have to do, her pajamas were in her bag and she just didn't have the energy to go through digging them out. She pulled her hair up into a pony tail and slid under the covers. She hugged the pillow to her, listening to the shower run and thinking about how happy she would be to go home. The shower shut off and she heard Bellamy come back in the room. She watched him towel dry his mess of curls in the mirror on the dresser. He caught her watching him and sent her a smirk, causing a slight blush to tint her cheeks. He flipped the light off and she felt the bed dip from his weight, his arm snaked over her pulling her to him tightly, she heard him groan slightly.

"Are you okay?" Clarke asked.

"Yea, you don't have pajamas?" He asked. She suddenly felt embarrassed.

"I do I just didn't have the energy to dig them out, I can get them now" she said shifting.

"Nope too late, I'll have to live with the torture. I take no responsibility for how my body reacts to your near naked self" he replied, she could feel his smirk as he pressed his lips to her shoulder. The thought of their body's pressed together scantly clothed was making her heart race.

"Okay" she replied, her voice had a slight edge to it. She felt him tense.

"You okay?" he asked, she felt his lips on her neck.

"mmmhmmm" She replied leaning into him, she was willing her heart rate to slow down, afraid if her breathing changed her ribs would ache more then they did already. She inched her body closer, not that they could get much closer. She could hear his breathing change, causing her to smile. She liked knowing he wanted her.

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