Chapter 35

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Sun filtered through the windows of Wells guest room, the brightness causing Clarke to squint slightly as she woke from her slumber. She could feel her body ache instantly, like she was hit by a truck. Her eyes traveled over the well toned chest of the half covered man along side of her. Her hand found his, her fingers gently running over his bruised knuckles. She paused taking note of the swelling. This was because of her.

"Your thoughts could wake the dead princess" Bellamy's voice was hoarse from sleep, she moved her gaze to his face meeting him. He gave her a lazy smile before rolling on his side to face her better. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before pressing his lips to hers for a gentle kiss.

"Sorry" she replied quietly.

"I was kidding, how do you feel?"

"Like I was dragged behind a truck for a mile or two" she replied causing him to stifle a laugh.

"I bet" he replied, she watched his eyes run across her cheekbone and stitches, down the the bruises on her collarbone. He reached out tracing the wrap around her midsection.

"I like this" her voice brought his eyes back up to hers.


"Waking up next to you" She replied with a smile.

"Good, I can easily accommodate that" he replied. He watched her stretch slightly before a knock sounded at the door. Clarke pulled the blankets up to her chin in a hurry. Bellamy couldn't resist the smirk.

"Yea?" he answered. The door cracked open and Murphy's head popped in.

"Roma and I are going to head home, we are leaving now. You guys leave tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, after Wells is done with work" Clarke replied.

"Sounds good, we will see you at home then." he stated.

"Drive safe"

"You guys too" he replied before clicking the door shut.

Bellamy and Clarke got up, made some breakfast, Bellamy ran and picked up the small moving truck. He loaded all her stuff in it, just in time for lunch. They spent the rest of the day watching television. Aside from a stolen kiss here and there, nothing really changed between them. Clarke's friends filed through the door with Chinese takeout for all. Everyone enjoyed just sitting around and playing cards after dinner. After a few rounds Wells and Bellamy stood and headed to bed, they were welcoming sleep, tomorrow night they would be driving right through, and they refused to be sleep deprived.

The girls sat up and watched a romantic comedy, made some popcorn and had a good time together. Sometime after midnight Clarke crawled in bed. She had barely had time to get comfortable when Bellamy's arm reached out pulling her to him. His head nuzzled her neck before she heard his breathing even out quietly. Who knows if he was awake or not, or if he subconsciously felt her move and he gravitated towards her. Either was was fine with her, she loved the way she felt perfectly in his arms. She laid there thinking about home, she missed Octavia and the team, Charlotte and the Library, she missed it all. She couldn't wait till her friends from down here could meet the ones she has up there. They were all staying with her. She couldn't wait.


The next morning she was up early, she managed to slip out of Bellamy's arms and out the door to the kitchen. She made Wells and Bellamy french toast for breakfast.

"I don't think I've ever seen you up early enough to make breakfast" Wells voice carried through the kitchen. She smiled at him placing a plate and fork down in front of each of their seats.

"If you are gonna be a comedian, i'm going to eat your share" she laughed.

"You would" he replied knowingly as she walked down the hall to wake up Bellamy.

She slipped in the room quietly. He looked so peaceful, the light drifted across his bronzed skin, his dark curls falling in his face. She could watch him sleep for awhile, however she was pretty sure that qualified as creepy. She laughed at herself before placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

"C'mon Bell, breakfast" she said shaking him lightly.

"Five more minutes" he mumbled shoving his head further in the pillow.

"It's french toast" she whispered. His head shot up.

"Did you say french toast?" he asked. She just nodded giving him a smirk.

"Well damn Clarke, next time lead with that, I would have been out there by now." he said standing.

"You are something else" she smiled shaking her head as she walked out the door.


Clarke checked her watch four times in the past seven minutes.

"Clarke, would you stop, Wells will be here any minute then we will head out. " Bellamy said watching her scan the street. Maya and Monroe already loaded all the bags they were vacationing with, Clarke made sure she grabbed wells stuff, along with hers and Bellamy's. She made sure to call Octavia and let her know they were all driving back. Wells, and the girls would fly back, as the girls rented a car for one way, just so there was someone following the moving truck.

Clarke let out a sigh of relief when she saw Wells pull in the driveway. She caught Bellamy smirking and shaking his head.

"You in a rush to get home?" He asked.

"I am, aren't you?" she asked.

"Yea, I guess I am. I miss everyone" he replied. They drove for three days, switching drivers every eight hours. Clarke was never so happy as to see the street sign telling her she was home.

Bellamy pulled the truck up in front of there apartment building, Wells and the girls should be there any minute, they stopped to dropped the rent a car off and were taking a cab over.

"Finally home princess" Bellamy smiled at her.

"Yea" Clarke sighed.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"What are we Bell? friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, friends with benefits?" She asked.

"We will always be friends, I don't do friends with benefits, sorry, I have to much of a jealous side for that, I'd kill somebody" he laughed.

"Then what?"

"Are you stressing over this? really, we are us, we don't need a title, I like you, you like me, we like spending time together, we are together, dating, seeing each other, boyfriend/ girlfriend, whatever you prefer, I just prefer together." he replied smiling, He took her hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing her knuckles softly. She returned his smile with her own and a nod before opening her door.

"About time, geeze, what were you doing in there?" Octavia's voice echoed down the street from her balcony. Clarke laughed shaking her head.

"And to think we missed you" Bellamy yelled up to her, causing Lincoln to laugh.

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