Chapter 26

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Clarke was just walking off the plane through the terminal when she heard her name called. She looked up to see Wells, Monroe, Maya all standing in the waiting area. She couldn't help the wide smile that broke across her face or the tears that streamed down her cheeks as she walked quickly towards them.

"Look at you, you look great" Maya said pulling her into a hug.

"I didn't realize how much I missed you until I just saw you" Monroe said hugging her next.

"Clarke, oh how I've missed you, Welcome home" Wells said hugging her tightly and swinging her around. It was great to have her friends back. They all piled in the car. She switched her phone off airplane mode and shot Bellamy a quick text.

Clarke: I just landed, feet safe on the ground headed to stay at Wells apartment, that's where I'll be staying

She picked up conversation talking about the flight and they commented on changes in the town scenery as they drove by them. Her phone chirped signaling an incoming message. She swiped her screen, the message coming across.

Bellamy: Thank you for letting me know, I miss you already.

She smiled at his message.

Clarke: If it makes you feel better, I missed you the second I shut Octavia's door. I'll call you tonight.

She replied, before slipping her phone in her purse and continuing conversation. Once they arrived at Well's apartment, she grabbed her bag and followed them in.

"You can take the guest room" he stated as he unlocked the door. She nodded and headed in that direction to drop her back pack off. She paused at the door, the walls of the room were full of cardboard boxes all labeled 'Clarke's Shit' . She took a few steps forwards letting the backpack fall off her shoulder. She stopped in front of one box and lifted the top to peek inside, tears streamed down her face when she saw her old snow globe that Finn had given her. A hand rested on her shoulder.

"You guy's packed up all my stuff?" she managed to choke out.

"We did, we knew you would be back" Wells replied.

"We got a call from Raven a few days ago wondering if you returned here" Monroe added.

"You know Raven?" Clarke asked.

"We met her at the funeral" Maya added.

"Guys, I can't believe you kept my stuff, I don't know what to say"

"Say we didn't take next week off for nothing, that you are going to take care of whatever it is you need too and you are going to let us drive you and all your crap to your new place. Help you properly move in, and meet these new friends of yours" Wells stated.

"Are you serious?" Clarke asked looking at them in awe.

"We are, we work the next five days, but then we all took two weeks off, and we already bought tickets to fly back" Wells smiled.

"I love you guys!" she smiled.

"I'm starving, I ordered pizza from my phone, should be here in a few minutes" Monroe said heading towards the kitchen. Wells and Maya following as Clarke trailed behind them.

They all sat around the counter waiting for the pizza to be delivered.

"Okay, so I owe all of you an apology, I just disappeared and it wasn't right" she started, pausing slightly to take notice that they were all listening before continuing.

"A few days before Finn was killed, he came home and told me if something happened to him, I was to get out of town quick, that Nyko's crew would come after me, I was scared, and I didn't want you involved, if I contacted you then that pulled you into it and it wasn't something I would have let happen. "

"Clarke, you don't always have to be the protector, you are always first to step between two people fighting, or you put yourself in harms way for something that has nothing to do with you" Wells stated.

"Wells, when it's my friends, it does have to do with me, and I can't just turn the need to help off, I found a job in New York, as a Librarian and was excited to start fresh, I used my middle name and my mom's maiden name on all bills so it was harder to track, I deleted all my social media and had to change my number and phone to a prepaid. It didn't take Nyko long to find my number, didn't take him long to find me either. That would be why Raven called the other day." She stopped as the door bell rang. Monroe grabbed the pizza and returned to the counter.

"So he found you?" Maya asked as they all started eating.

"Yea, they took me from my apartment, and you all know Murphy works for Nyko, it turns out Murphy's not as bad as he seems, he was going to get me out of the state with the help of Roma, his new girlfriend, but they arrived sooner than planned. So Bellamy, who happens to be Roma's ex boyfriend and one of my really good friends, with the help of the other two came up with a master plan. They cut a deal with Nyko in exchange for me, Roma's family has a pretty big illegal arms outfit." she finished.

"And this Bellamy, he would be the one who told Raven who you were?" Wells asked, Clarke nodded.

"He would also be the one that Raven called your sort of but not really, kind of boyfriend?" Maya asked. Clarke could feel her face heat up.

"Which is who I'm assuming you were texting earlier" Monroe laughed.

"Alright guys, hes super cute, but we are just friends, however he did kiss me, twice." she shared.

"And the just friends thing why?" Maya pried. Clarke just looked down at her pizza.

"Oh let me guess, because you are protecting him" Wells said joking, however when her eyes met his he knew that was it. He let out a sigh putting his pizza down. She could almost feel the lecture coming.

"Clarke are you serious, just as your friend he went above and beyond to help you, you are not going to be able to stop him, just give in" Wells stated.

"It's hard, I have nightmares all the time, he steps in front of me every time someone from Nyko's crew tries to shoot me, and he dies, because of me. Every time I look at him it crosses my mind."

"If someone tried to shoot him would you stand in front of him?" Wells asked.

"Yes" she replied quickly. Wells smiled.

"No thought went into that, your instinct was to protect him, ever think he has the same problem? you could attend counseling together" he smiled.

"Jerk!" she laughed.


She laid in bed that night running her finger of the call button when a message popped up.

*You have one new snap from Bellamy*

She clicked it, a picture of him laying in bed, in her bed, with the message Sweet Dreams .

She smirked taking one of her and sending it back. Are you in my bed?

Her phone buzzed with a notification that he took a screen shot of her pic and sent her another one of him Yes and is that my shirt?

She smirked looking down at her shirt before calling him. His voice on the other end was just what she needed.

"Yes, it's your shirt" she said.

"Are you stealing my clothes?"

"Maybe, I like to sleep in it"

"Nice to know" he replied.

They talked briefly, her giving him a recap of the day before telling each other goodnight and hanging up. Tomorrow she would go visit the landlord.

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