Will You Wait For Me?

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I stummbled outside, still so worried I could puke. I didn't know what to do, he seemed almost happy to get to talk to me which made me feel better about it all- But it could mean he's getting even or telling everyone what I did. But I couldn't do anything so I stood there nearly shaking from fear.

"OLI!" He yelled as he ran up and gave me a big hug

I was so confused but I got the nerve to say "uhh hey Josh" and Slowly wrap my arms around him. It felt so good to just hold him even for a second.

"Come on!" He pleaded as he pulled me behind the busses

"So how you been, love?" He flirted as he lightly touched my shoulder

"I-I don't understand... I thought you hated me..." I stated

"At first I did, but then well I dunno, I really miss you mate" he told me lightly punching me in the arm

Then I just couldn't help myself. I made a mistake yet again.. I leaned in to kiss him.

"Woah mate, I didn't realize that you missed me that much" he chuckled

"I-I'm sorry... I love you alot and I regret what I did." I apologized

"I love you to Oli, but I need to be your friend before I can trust you again. I need to spend some time with you without all the pressure and learn to trust you again. But we both made mistakes and I'm willing to forgive if you are" He explained flashing his amazing smile

"Alright mate.... if I can't love you as a lover, I'll love you as a friend" I agreed

"Thanks for understanding" he told me as he gave me a light kiss on the cheek "but just know that I do still love you Oliver"

I shuttered from the warmness and the softness of his lips

"Oli.... please promise me you won't move on before I forgive you.." he practically begged, any hint of joking having been rid from his tone.

"I promise you Josh; I love you... and I regret ever hurting you." I promised him.

He just simply smiled that breath taking smile and said "good."

we walked back around and went to my bus. It was about time they did some catching up- Josh hasn't been around much.. and I'm entirely at fault. I can tell how much they miss him. Sometimes they try to ask me what happend between us; but the colossal fits I always throw has stopped that as of late.

"Hey! Josh!" All the guys yelled

"Hey guys!" He replied with a smile

"It's been a while since you've been over? Huh Josh?" Lee asked

"Yeah I guess it has But I missed this Faggot" he chuckled as he lightly pushed my shoulder.

"You rude little whore." I said as put my arm around his shoulders "although it's true." I whispered in his ear.

Josh just started giggling like a school girl and I couldn't help but smile too. God I fucking missed him.. but now I have him back! Maybe not in the way I wanted... but in some way at least. And I will not let him slip away this time.. I will not fuck up again.

Will We Ever See the End? (Fransykes)Where stories live. Discover now