Tip Of My Tongue

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"Oli, Oli, wake up love." josh said shaking me awake

'ughhhhhhhh" I whined

"Get up you wanker!" he yelled walking and grabbing his stuff from the compartment over head.

"Oh fine." I complained getting up and grabbing my things as well.

We went to baggage claim and grabbed our luggage.

"Where do we go from here?" I asked

"We have to go to our hotel and wait until the driver picks up our bus that we will use for the next couple days." Lee explained.

"Oh... okay thanks lee" I sighed

"OLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" josh yelled as he came up behind me and slapped my bum.

"Ekk" I said letting out a squeal

"Uhh, hey joshie? Can you come with me to visit my friend today? I know you guys will get along and I just miss her so...” I whined at him

"Well, of course darling we will go right after we drop off our things." he smiled at me his beautiful face lighting up and making me smile just as big

"Thanks so much, darling" I replied

I was so excited to see Emma! I miss her so so so much. It has literally been forever. But that's the problem when you’re in a band, life moves to fast and you lose too many people. But no matter what she will always be one of my best friends. Although I really did miss chatting with her and staring in to her big blue eyes that looked a bit like Josh's. She was like a little sister to me. Never a love interest, I had josh of course; but I had found I could confide in her.

We got a cab and got into our hotels, me and josh in a room and everyone else spread out to their heart’s desire.  Josh and I put all our stuff away and he called for a cab as I changed my clothes and got ready to go.

"Come on Oli! The cab is here!" josh yelled to me

I put down my brush and walked out to him, looping my arm around his waist and kissing his cheek before pulling away and walking down the steps to the taxi that had pulled up.

"135 Parkway drive" I told the man I as I got into the car and Josh piled in with me.

The ride was full of me and Josh just joking and talking about random things, mostly just enjoying each other's company. The driver finally pulled up in front of the familiar house that I had stayed at many nights on tour just talking and laughing with my best friend. We payed the taxi driver and climbed out of the car. I pulled josh along by the arms and up to her front door. I knocked and waited impatiently swaying my hips and bouncing from foot to foot.

“Hell- OH MY GOD OLI!!!!!!”  She screamed and jumped onto me wrapping her arms around my neck “I have missed you so much!”

“Have missed you too” I said hugging her back and pulling her close.

She slowly pulled away from me, giving me a kiss on the cheek as she did so.

“Oh, and this is my boyfriend.. Josh” I smiled gesturing behind me to the breath taking man I was proud to call mine.

“‘Ello I’m Josh Franceschi” he smiled reaching out his hand towards her.

“No, no, no, I’m a hugger. She smiled before she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a huge bear hug; and I must say the look on Josh’s face was priceless.

“Now come on in guys!” she said sending a huge smile our way

We followed her inside and I looked around. everything was familiar, this place felt more like home then where I lived in Britain.

“Make yourself at home guys. I’ll make us some food” she announced taking off towards the kitchen

God I missed this place. It was my home away from home.

“So... You guys are real good friends...” josh said looking down at his feet and sighing

“Yeah, she’s my bestest friend” I smiled

“O-oh...” he stuttered

“Josh… you are jealous, are you?” I said sending him a smug smile


“Well, nothing. I love you and only you, got that?” I said

“Yeah” he replied looking up and smiling slightly

He was just so perfect. How did I ever get so lucky? And how could he ever be insecure? He is perfect in every single way.  And I love him completely

“Come here, love” I said pulling him close and kissing him deeply only the lips placing a hand lightly  on the back of his hair.

I pulled his body closer to mine and deepened our kiss by running my tongue along his bottom lip and slipping it into his mouth.

“Whoa-ho-ho! I’m gone for five minutes and the two of you are getting frisky” she said winking at us

“S-Sorry...” josh said

“Damn straight!” I yelled in response to Emma making Josh blush like crazy.

“Oh my” she chuckled “well lunch is in the kitchen, so coming along my children.” She joked

We all ate lunch and smiled and talked, god I missed Emma. And having josh here just made everything better. Today was an amazing day.  So far…


WELLLL!!!! I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY!!  And I would like to thank @PSYCHIC_KILLER for letting me use her in this chapter! You are fabulous <3 \(*.*)/ and I would like to thank all of you who have stuck with this story you are all amazing!! <3 there will be a new chapter either tomorrow or the next day! Sorry for the wait!    ~Disasteroligy

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