Forza horizon

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~~~~~Lee's POV~~~~~

"Oi Oli, We're all going out to dinner tonight mate! Want to come with?" I said As I knocked on his door. Why did they make me do this?! I don't like fighting and thats all Oli and Hannah ever do!

"Umm, sure? Just one second" he yelled through the door

He walked out of his hotel room and let out a huge sigh and wiped the tears streaming down his face. I was shocked, personally I had never seen Oli cry. He always acted so tough,  but I guess we all have our breaking points.

"I'd love to go with you guy's... but could you say it's a band thing so we can catch up on some stuff? I don't need her... I, I just don't want her to fuck anything else up." He said letting the hatred and loathing swell in his voice

"Sure thing, mate. Now come here! No one needs our Oli-boy crying!" I said opening my arms and pulling him in for a hug and letting him a cry a few tears on my shoulder

I know the gesture wasn't much but it was the best I could do, I was never good at comforting people because I had never been good at conforting myself. Although I hated seeing people sad it just kinda fucked with my heart more knowing that he was someone that I care about, I mean shit he was nearly my brother, but I still couldn't comfort him. But I guess even that stems back to my fucked up teenage years where the only love I got was from sluts and skanks because all I wanted were nights I couldn't remember and days for me to regret.

"Hey Oli?"


"Come with me uh? I still have to ask everyone else if they wanna come" I said, even though we both knew I was just trying to give him and excuse to be away from that bitch.

"Oh, yeah of course mate" he said with a small smile

"Great! You go ask the You Me At Six Guys and I'll go track down Josh..." I said and he let out a huge breath as soon As I said I would find Josh

"Oh come on! You don't thing I'm that creul do you?..... Although on second thought it might be good for you.." I trailed off just wanting to see his reaction

"LEEEEEEEEE!!!" He whined

"I'm joking, I'm Joking!" I chuckled

"He hates me anyway" he mummbled

"Oli.. He doesn't hate you. I mean fuck less than an hour ago he loved your ass to death and was willing to marry you! Um, well maybe not literally your ass I'm not sure how you guys do it but I mean--"

"Damn it lee" he chuckled

"Well other than the refferance to butt sex I was serious. He loves you Oli. He's just hurt. Now lets go find these fuckers, we can talk more later" I smiled at him and he nodded

"Okay! Time to split up! I'll find Josh you find You Me At Six! Now let's go!" I yelled for no real reason

"No need to yell, baby balls." He snickered

"Well what the is that supposed to mean?!" I fake gasped trying to sound hurt

"I mean last I heard I wasn't the one with the baby dick if you know what I mean" I chuckled pointing my finger at him

"You wanker!" He yelled hitting my arm

"Alright alright enough! Get your panties out of their twist and lets go find these strange british men and get to dinner"

"Our you talking about there band or ours?" He asked

"Exactly!" We said in unison and both started laughing

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