Don't Try To Fight The Storm

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"Oli... meet Alexander Sykes.. your son" feminine voice said

I looked up to see Hannah, my ex holding a baby boy.

"T-That can't be..." I stuttered

"It is... he was born a month ago.. I knew I was pregnent a week after you left me.. I wanted to tell you in person but you were on tour and well.. this is your baby" she quietly said and awkwardly chuckled

"I-I.. Josh" I stuttered and looked over at him.

Tears were streaking down his face and I could see his shoulders moving because he was sobbing so hard. It hurt me to see him like this.

"Josh... I.." I said but I just couldn't think of what to actually say. This couldn't be happening.. half the time I was with her I was thinking of Josh when we would fuck anyway.

"It's okay Oli... I love you, but you need to be with your baby" he said to me kissing me on the cheek and running out the door.

"Josh! Wait!" I yelled after him, but he was already gone.

"What the fuck was that about?!" Hannah gasped, her annoying voice piercing my ears

"Josh is my fucking boy friend you protestant whore" I snapped making her face twist to shock and then to anger

"Well you're my boyfriend now! We've got a kid you fucking fag!" She squeeled, her voice going higher with every word

"Listen to me right fucking now, I will love this kid but I will never fucking love you! I love that man who just left crying because I'm a complete fucking dick. But, to be brutally honest I never loved you in the first place! So why don't you go whore around like your fucking good at!!" I yelled hoping my words hit her where it hurt

"Uhh... were just gonna.. go" everyone else awkwardly said as the approached the door.

Once they were gone I walked over and snatched my child from her hands. He was a cute kid, and he had an adoribal smile. But he looked nothing like me. But I guess he's still just a child and would grow into some of my features, which truly made me feel bad for the child. (Not really Oli is sexy but sadly he still hates hinself in this story :'c)

I looked down into this baby's steel blue eyes.. they looked so familiar.. they warmed my heart when I looked into them.. and then I realized, they looked exactly like Josh's..


DUN DUN DUN!! What do you think? :3 well! we'll see if it was Josh's baby next time around! C: as always don't forget to comment, vote, share and add to library!


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