The Only Way We Know

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****Olivers POV****

"Did you do it?!" She squeled at me as I walked through the door

"Yes!" I growled and sent her a death glare as she smirked and put alexander down.

"Good. And you didn't tell him why you where doing it?" She said

Ugh, her voice is starting to give me a headache

"Yes!!" I growled again "I broke his fucking heart and it's all your fucking fault!"

"Well no need to be so hostile" she faked gasped, whiched turned into a discusting cackle that made me cring.

"Shut the fuck up you whore" I mummbled as a huge sigh escaped my lips

"Wel Oli! Is that anyway to treat the mother of your child?!" She did it again, trying to giggle but having it come out as a discuting cackle.

I didn't reply to her question, instead I just glared at her. And let ms say if looks could kill, I would be glad because she would be long gone and Josh and I could raise my son. Not this. Bitch who would teach him all the wrong things.

She let out a long sigh before saying "look Oli, I know you think you're gay or bi or what ever the fuck. But you're not. You're straight. You have a son. And soon enough you will realize that being gay and loving Josh was all just a phase, and when that day comes you'll thank me and be glad I took back so we could raise our child."

I took her back?! Why would I want to be with her?! If it wasn't for my song I would want nothing to do with her!

"Your wrong" I mummbled, not really wanting to talk to her about it "you were the phase, ypu were the cover up of the feelings I had for Josh that I couldn't accept because he was one of my best friends. I never loved you. I never cared about you, it was all just a sick pland to cover my ass and made sure I never lost Josh's friendship. But then I found you cheating. I wasn't sad, I wasn't lonely, but still Josh was there for me every step of the way and thats when I realized I didn't want to keep my feelings a secret anymore... that was when I realized he was the only one for me. So one day while we were walking around in the woods I kissed him but he didn't kiss me back.. I though he would call me a homo and walk away or something, but he didn't.. he grabbed me by the shirt and kissed me and then he told me he loved me, and I told him the same were together for a couple months, we were taking it slow, just kissing and cuddling and i love it but then after a while of us being together--" my voice faltured and cracked, I looked up at her and she had a discusted look on her face.. I couldn't tell her what happend! I couldn't tell her i raped him! I couldn't tell her thats one of the reasons why i hate myself!

"Yeah, yeah, I know I came and destroyed everything and you hate me." She sighed and looked into my eyes.. I saw a bit of kindness in them.. something I had never seen in those brown eyes of her's. For a moment I had hope that she would chamge her mind and let me be with Josh and help the baby, but that hope diminished when she feowned at me and said "But your realationship with discusting anyway, I mean why do you think I don't want that around our kid?" She chuckled making me flinch and make an annoyed noise

I hated it when she used the word 'our' to me. That ment I had something in common with this woman, and even though the child looked nothing like me, I guess we did and I hated that. Not My kid, I just hated the fact that me and her had common ground, that she has something to use against me. But for the most part, I just hated her.

Hi guys! so, I'm sorry for the wait but here's a chapter to make up for it up :3 oh! and I don't know if you remember her or not, but I'm going to be bringing Emma from a couple chapters ago back for two or three more chapters. c: and Just so ypu guys know she's actually a writter here on wattpad who writes really amazing stories! her username is
psychic_killer and you guys should really go check her out c: anyway! as always don't forget to vote, comment, share, add to library, and add to reading list! bye guys! love you c:

*give you each concert tickets and a plate of your favorite food*


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