Suicide Season

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I was walking through a forest alone.. it was so cold but I kept walking, pulling my jacket around me tighter, as if that would keep out the bone chilling weather. There was a bridge, a tourist attraction actually, just because it was 'so beautiful' I believe one of the people I had asked said. I kept walking and I knew I was close when I could hear runing water. I started walking faster, nearly breaking out in a run the closer I got. I wanted this to be over; I needed death to take me into it's peaceful embrace. Nothingness was my fate and I was prepared for my demise.

As I got closer I heard someone yell "I'M SORRY"  along with heart crushing sobbs.

I guess I won't die alone after all.

The closer I got the more I could make out a tall figure that was standing at the edge, there shoulders jerking with shattered sobbs. I really felt bad for the guy.. but how the fuck am I suppoed save him? I'm so pathetic I can't even save myself.

"I'm sorry for being such a fuck up, I'm sorry Oli... I.. just.. you were my last chance.." the tall figure cried out leaning forward getting ready to fall to his death.

Woah, woah, woah. Wait Oli?...

"Austin" I whispered my eyes suddenly going wide at the realization of who that tall figure was.

"Austin!! No!!" I yelled as I ran to him and pulled him down so he was laying beside on the ground.

"Listen to me right now, Carlile. You saved my life. So there is no way in hell I'm going to let you take yours. Now come with me.. please.." I said getting up and helping him up off the ground.

I grabbed Austin's hand and linked our fingers, pulling him along with me until we got back to my bus.

"Hey Oli! Oh, and  hey Austin!" Jordan piped up as he and I entered the bus.

"Hey, mate" I replied brushing him off and pulling Austin to the back with me.

I closed the door  thatseparated the back room and the rest of the bus and sat down with him.

There was a moment of silence until I asked "Why?"

The one word polluted the air like a cancer. It was the one thing that every suicidal person was afraid of. How do you tell someone that you don't want to live? How to you explain to someone that you hate yourself so much? How do you justify wanting to die?

"I.. I.... you were my last chance Oli.. ever since I met you I have infatuated with you.. you were my last chance at love before I called it quits, for good this time. I know it was stupid but I needed death... I don't want to do this anymore. I want it to end." he explained, tears rising in his eyes.

I let a moment pass before I said "Come here" and wrapped my arms around him.

"Your better than this Austin.. trust me. You have a heart of gold and a beautiful mind." I said to him.

And the next thing I knew, our lips were attatched again; But it was me that did it this time. If I couldn't have Josh, I would have Austin. And god only knows how jealous Josh will get when he see's me with him. I think this will all work out in my favor for once..


Well Oli's gonna use Austin :'€ to get back josh. Lets see how it blows up in his face this time shall we?


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