The End

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-----Read The A/N please c:------

Boy, wasn't I quite the site. I was leaning against the wall of a bathroom covered in my own blood and listening to my ex boyfriends band, downing pills by the handful, all while sobbing like a small child. And some people call me a role model. Isn't that laughable. I guess my Mum was right, I never will amount to much.

I picked up Lee's sleeping pills and took a handfull of those and drank the vodka. And then a handful of pain pills and more vodka. I started to feel... distant. I started to feel cut off. Everything started to fade a bit and my sight got really blurry. My breathing got shallow and hard to mange. It felt like I was detererating. This was it, my final moments. And I all I could think about was how much I deserved this. How horrible I was. I guess even in death I'm selfish. But old habbits die hard, don't they?

"I'm sorry Mum, and I'm sorry Josh, and I'm sorry Austin. I won't be your burden anymore. I love you" I whispered closing my eyes and accepting my fate.

I heard faint screams of "Oli! NO!" And "call an ambluance!" I guess I wasn't quite dead yet, but I was far beyond saving.

The next voice I heard was Austin's "I'm so sorry Oli, I should have know what your were going to do! This is all my fault. I'm so, so sorry. Just please wake up. Please, please wake up. I need you.. I guess I never told you that, But it's the truth. I need you Oli. You can't die on me!" He sobbed

I felt my body being shifted and moved but by now my senses were even duller. I saw a bright light through my eye lids and My nose started to tingle from the smell of antiseptic. An ambulance. They think they're going to save me, don't they? But you can't save someone who's already dead, and I've been dead inside for a long time. I heard a slam which I assumed was the doors shutting and we started to move.

The next thing I knew, Josh was talking to me "Hey Oli.... I guess we just couldn't make it through this one, huh? I'm sorry for all of this. I know I'm the cause. I tried to find you but.. I didn't know you were with Austin." He paused "I don't want you to die" he said starting to sob "but if you are ready then I am too. Y-You can leave us Oli.. maybe in death you'll find the happiness you've always deserved And I sorry I couldn't bring you that happiness in your life. And you have to know.. that I love you so so much" He sobbed, pecking my lips with a soft kiss. "I will never forget you Oliver Sykes."

I started wishing and willing myself to speak, just for a moment so I could tell Josh that I love him and that he was my happines and to find someone else and move on. And so I could tell Austin that this isn't his fault, to stay strong, and to never lose the beautiful person he is inside. But I couldn't. Everyone got to say there goodbyes but me. Then all at once, everything stopped. My weak heart beat, my faint breath, the muffled voices, and the tingle of pain. It was all gone. Over. I, Oliver Scott Sykes was dead.

I don't know what idiot said that death was peaceful, but they are wrong. Isn't beautiful or peaceful. It's cold, it's dark, and it's scary. It feels like icolation. Like I'm trapped again. But this time I can't escape it by dying. I'm stuck. Forever stuck, saying I'm sorry to everyone I left behind. I wanted to be dead and I got my wish. Here I would have forever to reflect on my life, but eternity with myself seemed like a deeper punish ment then life. But this is it.

This is The End.


Well... this is the end. I am actually really sad to say that, but it had to happen eventually. I hope you guys liked this last chapter. I know it was kinda sad, and I'm sorry for that. I plan to continue this story in either Josh's or Austin's POV. I'm not sure which yet. I guess Josh would make the most sense but I'll figure it out later. I hope you guys enjoyed reading! If you would like to read any of my other storys here are the links c:


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