The Calm

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~~~~~I would Like to give a special thank you to @uradorito this chapter is for you! c:~~~~~

"Alan?" The guy, who I guessed was Austin yelled out

"Yeah, babe?" Alan replied walking in the room

"Will you get him some of my clothes? He's soaked" Austin said

"Yeah, I'll run him a bath too. Just set him down in the bathroom" he replied

"You do know you don't have to carry me, right?" I grumbled

"Just shush Oli." Austin chuckled and put me down on the counter

"Just take off his clothes and throw him in there" Alan told Austin

"But... well.. that's kinda awkward" he trailed off

"Alright, Just leave his boxers on then, the waters warm so he'll be fine"

"Okay" Austin said, pulling off my clothes and putting me in the water

"What happend Oli?" He asked, moving my hair out of my face

"Alexander is Josh's baby.. he slept with Hannah and never told me.. He let me belive it was my baby.. when it was his. Fuck, Hannah even told me the baby was Alan's just so they could cover themselves up" I cried

"Oh're never going to get your happy ending are you?" He sighed wiping my tears

"I don't think people like me get happy endings"

"What do you mean! You're a great person Oli" he tried to reasure me

Oh god, If only he knew. He would never look at me the same.

"No. I'm really fucking not" I spat

"Yes. You are, so be quiet" he smiled at me

"No! I am not!" I sobbed

"Oh yeah.. what did you do that was so horrible?" He asked

"I'm a fucking bad person! I hurt everyone and thing around me! I hate the world and I hate myself! I'm ugly and I'm covered with scars! I am not a good person" I yelled

"No you are not. None of that is true... and as for your scars... they don't define you Oli" He smiled at me, carefully stroking the side of my face with his thumb

"Oh yeah? Well if I'm such a god person... Why did I rape Josh?" I chuckled coldly.

"Y-you what?" He asked in shock taking his hands away from my face.

"Well It wasn't rape. Okay fine, lets be honest here, yes. It was. He didn't want to but I was drunk and I made him. I thought he was cheating on me with some guy. Little did I know he was, cheating on me but it was with my Ex, not some random guy." I laughed bitterly "god I'm such a fucking mess. Why did you have to save me Austin? I was ready to die that day but you saved me! I could be dead! None of this would have had to happen! But you saved me! Why?!" I yelled, tears falling from my eyes

"Why? Why couldn't you just let me die Austin? I mean if you knew then what you knew now you wouldn't have helped... but you did.. Why? Why?!? I wanted to be gone but you wouldn't let me" I sobbed bringing my scared thighs up to my chest and resting my head on my knees, letting the tears spill out

"No Oli.. What you did was bad but... Josh forgived you and I can too. But that doesn't matter right now. You want to know why I saved you? It's because I loved you.. I still do to some extent. I saved you because I saw in you what you can't see.. I saw the beauty in you. I saw the kindness you have and all the care and compassion you put into things you love. I saw you at your worst, but I also saw how perfect and happy you could be at your best. I know you don't see it.. I know you don't like you. I know how that feels. But know this, you are a beautiful, amazing person. And if no one else tells you, then I will. You are worth it, and I love you." He cooed, coming closer to me and wrapping me in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you Austin... Thank you" I sobbed, hugging him back and crying into my shoulder.

I was right, I wasn't a good person. But Austin was; he was a amazing kind man.. And I will never know why he decided to waste his time on someone like me. I've been broken, bruised, and torn. Mostly by Josh. And I wasn't worth anyones time. But I can honestly say that without Austin Robert Carlile I would be dead.


Ello there! how are all of you Beeeeautiful people?! I hurt my hand so this chapter was a bitch and a half to type but it was worth it! c: I hope you guys liked it. oh! and I almost forgot, I would Like to give another very special thank you to thank @uradorito for reading and commenting and showing support! it means a lot! c:


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