Shadows and Death

239 14 4

"Yeah.. okay.. thanks so much Em" I said as I hung up the phone

She was going to go and distract Hannah. Fuck yeah.

"Alright Lee, We're good. I'll be back!" I said as I walked towards the room I shared with the spawn of satan and my lovely little boy

"I talked to the guy's Hannah you can go" I yelled to her

"Oh yay! Thanks Oli!!" She squeeked "I'll even have my friend watch Alexander so we can all have fun!"

"Uhh, whatever" I mumbled "just be ready in 45 minutes so we can go.."

I walked back out the door and sighed. She made me so angry by just being her, she made me so sad and so hateful. I wanted Josh.. I needed him. Before him I was so fucked up--with him I am to, but he off sets it with his amazing-- I still hate myself for what I did... but he made me so happy I nearly forgot. He was my night in shining armour to put it as cliché as I possibly can. I've thought about telling Hannah to fuck off and leave... but I couldn't do that to Alexander.. I didn't want him to have to grow up hearing my name and learning to hate me, I didn't want to leave my son.

"You alright Oli?" Lee asked

I thought about it, The guy I love most likely hates me, My son is in possession of a crazy cunt, my heart is broken, and my life is a mess.

"Yeah. I'm just fine, mate" I mumbled

"Alright, well I'm ready so I'll go call the cabs" he smiled

--------------at dinner--------


"Hey Em" I smiled as I hugged my friend

"Hey Oli!" She said hugging me back

"Now listen here you little shit, you're lucky I love you because I hate that cunt." She whispered

"Hah, just be a bitch and she'll love you." I whispered back as I pulled away from the hug

"Hannah, this is Emma. She's an old friend of us all, I think you'll like her" I said

I watched and smiled as they started to talk. They actually seemed to like each other! Well at least Hannah seemed to like her. I know Em hated her.

We all sat down at a table, Hannah next to me and Emma on her other side and everyone else just kinda sat anywhere. There was only one space left and it was next to me. I looked around the table and tried to figure out who it was for but then he walked up... oh..

"Hey Josh" I smiled at him

Might as well act casual just in case he doesn't hate me

"Uhh, hey Oliver.." he mumbled and pulled out his phone. 

Thats it! I'm texting him! I don't care if he's right next to me, it's mostly because a evil whore is on my other side anyway.

'Me: I'm sorry Josh.. I know I fucked up.. I'm so so sorry. But I love you, you know I do.. I hope

♡Joshie:...Met me in the bathroom, I don't want to have to say this over text..'

"I'll be back guys, I'm going to go to the loo" I said as I got us and walked to the back corner,I glanced over to the left and out of the corner I saw Josh following me.

(Deja vu much? Hah.)

I walked into the bathroom and I was pulled into his arms.

"You're such a fucking dick Oliver" he sobbed into my shoulder

"I know... But I love you" I chuckled

He hugged me tighter and kissed me.

"Never ever leave me again or I'll punch you" he smiled and kissed me again.

I smiled into our kiss and placed one of my hands on his cheek and the other on his hip. The kiss was amazing, even if I had only been away from his touch for a day, it was still like magic and made the buterflies in my stomach go crazy.

"You're so perfect and I'm so so sorry" I whispered when we finally pulled away from our amazing kiss

"Come on, lets go back to reality. And... I love you to Oli" he kissed me one last time and sighed before he walked out of the bathroom

I opened the heavy door and went back to the table, sending him a glance before sitting back down

"OLIIIIII" Hannah slured "I love you so so much" she giggled

I looked over her shoulder and sent Emma a 'what the fuck are you doing?!' Glance before I sighed

"That's great" I mumbled as she practally threw herself on me.

"That's why I had to Lie about Alex, but I mean You still love me. Right?!"

"Umm, what do you mean you lied about Alex?" I gasped

"Well I had to say he was your son! How else would I get you back?!" She cackled as she planted a kiss on my cheek. Everyone looked at each other and there Jaws droped.


"Get the fuck away from me you whore! Who's kid is it anyway!?" I asked

"You sure you wanna know?" She slurred, before taking a drink of bright pink alcohol

"Yes." I snapped

"Fine, The Kids Dad Is---


Nope! not til next time. cx Don't you all love me?

Oli: No.

Me: oh, Shush. You know you love me

Josh: I hate you. .-.

Lee: could I possibly get Matt's dick within the next couple chapters?

Me: Damn it Matt... Maybe... yes.

Billie Joe Armstrong: BUTTSECKS

Me: uh...

everyone: uh...

well alright then! have a good day/night/whatever it is for you! love you all! And Don't forget to comment, share, vote, add to Library, and add to reading list! byyyeeeeee c:


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