Goodbye Would Be Our New Favorite Line

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"Oli, please darling.. I need you. I love you"I heard someome mummble

I tried to respond as soon as I realized it was Josh but all that came out was a low painful groan.the pain in my stomach was immense and I was crying out and internally beging to be put out of my misery.

"Sir were going to need you to move. You can go get in the ambulance and wait until we drive to the hospital" a deep gruff sounding voice spoke. One that I deffinatly did not know.

The next thing I knew I was being blinded by a light, a faint beep off to my right. I faintly felt them place something cold and plastic over my mouth and I slowly drifted off as the pain in my stomach slowly subsided. Is this what death was like?

~~~~~~Josh's P.O.V~~~~~~

Oh god, I could lose Oli. Now that I had just gotten him, now that I had forgiven him he was dying. I let out strangled sobs as Lee came over and hugged me, trying to get me to calm. I just couldn't, I couldn't help but worry. I couldn't help but cry. I needed Oli, he couldn't die.

"Friends and family of Mr. Oliver Sykes" a doctor said in a stronge voice with a slight tint of sadness to it.

"Yes?" I asked practically jumping up and wiping away my tears

"Well.. we're not exactly sure what's going on with him. One second he's heart is perfectly fine and then in another his heart completely drops.. were not calling it quits yet but if you would like to go in one by one to say your goodbye's.. it would most likely be the best idea" the doctor informed.

I looked back at the guys and they all motioned for me to go.

I followed the doctor to a room and he told me to go in. He closed the door behind me and I rushed over to Oli's bed. He was so ghostly pale, I felt sick to my stomach when i looked at his chest and saw the bloody bandage covering the large wound where they had taken out the bullet

"I'm so sorry. I never thought this would happen. I love you Oli" I said kissing his hand and looking up to Oli wanting nothing more than to see his eyes open "they said were supposed to say goodbye... but I just can't. Now that you're part of my life again I can't imagine living without you. I'm beging you Oli.. wake up. I need you.." I sobbed


Soo I'm going to leave it to you guys! Comment if you want Oli to die or not. I could write it either way but I shall leave it to you all. I'm sorry it took so long! But there will be more chapters after you guys comment and decide the fate of the story  lol


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