The Very First Time

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"I love you. And no matter what we have been through, no matter how much either of us has fucked up.. you will always be my true love. Oh god, this is all my fault.... I'm so sorry.. Goodbye, love. I hope I'll see you soon.." I gushed

I got up and started walking towards the door. My fingers barely grasping the handle when I heard a very raspy "Joshie" escape Oli's lips.

"Oli!?" I exclaimed running over to him and kissing his fore head, smiling at the sight of his open eyes and a smile plastered on his lips.

"Hello, Darling..." He chuckled "Josh? ....What happend? Why am I here?"

"Well Brian is a crazy fuck, and he came after me.. but you stopped him.. you saved me"

"Oh yeah.. well, I'm glad I did." He cooed

"I'm not worth it Oli.. but thank you so so much. I love you, sweetie.. you mean the world to me." I replied

"You are worth the whole world and more, josh." He smiled

"I love you Oli" I said kissing him lightly on the lips and straightening out his messy hair

"I love you too Josh" replied

~~~~~Four days later~~~~~

"You ready?" I asked Oli "we have a flight in an hour.. were going to Australia for the next set of shows"

"Yeah, Jordan packed all my stuff for me so I'm all ready." He smiled

I loved his smile. It's been so bright lately, and everytime I see him I want to just do anything I can to see that beautiful smile.

"I'm so excited! I actuaclly have a close friend In Australia. I met her on my very first tour" he said

"Wow! I can't wait to meet her, darling. But we need to go, our flight is leaving in a little over an hour." I explained

"Alright I'll grab my shit" he sighed

The ride to the airport was fairly quiet. Me and Oil were cuddled together and all the other guys were on there phones, tweeting and posting about our flight. As soon as we got to the airport we all climbed out to the car and went through the metal detectors. We put all our stuff through baggage claim and got on the plane. I pulled out my phone and tweeted about how excited I was to be in Australia in just a little over sixteen hours.

"I'm tired, Joshie" Oil whined

"Come here  then, Oli" I said kissing him on the cheek and letting him lay his head one my shoulder. "Go to sleep, baby" I said

"Alright" he replied while he nuzzled his head onto my neck

After a couple minutes I heard light snores coming from Oli. .so I leaned my head over onto Oli's and slowly drifted off along with him.


Soooo! There shall be a new chapter either tomarrow or friday! I hope you guys like it! C: As always Don't Forget To Comment, Vote, add to library, and share! :D


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