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"Hey Oli wer-- uhh oh fuck..sorry, mate." I heard Matt say, followed by him chuckling awkwardly.

I ripped my face away from Austin's as fast as humanly possible. This can't be happening-- they can't know I'm gay.

"Wha.. I... well..Don't hate me.." I stuttered

"Oli mate, I would never hate you! And don't worry, I won't tell anyone, alright?" He said trying to comfort me "besides, you two are really cute together!"

"Heh, thanks" I chuckled as Austin huged me from behind and put his head on my shoulder... but I couldn't help but think that it should be Josh..

"So uhh what was it you wanted?" I asked Matt

"Ohh, yeah Right. do you want to go drinking with us and You me at six? Josh wants us to meet his new boyfriend?... You can bring Austinnnnnn" Matt persuaded.

New boyfriend... what the fuck!!! He's been with him for less than half a day and he's already telling everyone? I was with him for five fucking months before all that shit happend and he wouldn't tell anyone about us!

"Of course we'll go, just let us get ready" I agreed for the both of us.

Looks like operation make Josh jealous is a GO!!


Sooooo this chapter was short but there will be another chapter tonight! 3 chapters in 1 day :3 woot! woot! *metaphorical party*

As always dont forgot to share, add to library, vote and comment! ♥


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