Bite My Tounge

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*Josh's POV*

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" I yelled, punching the bus and leaving three huge craters in it. My hand was throbbing, but I truly didn't care. I was fulled by my hate for hannah, my sadness and fear of possibly losing Oli and the mixed feelings for that child.

I couldn't hate him, he was just a kid! He didn't mean to ruin anything... she's the one thats trying to fuck up everything! everything Oli and I worked on and worked through. She's the one I should hate!

"That fucking bitch." I grunted punching the bus again and turning around to lean on it. I slowly slid down the side of the bus, holding my knees to my chest when I reached the ground. Hot tears started to stream down my cheeks and I choked out a shrill breath.

"I need you Oli.." I mummbed, resting my head on my knees.

"Josh!" I heard Oli yell and I looked up to see him jogging towards me

"Oh, uh hey love" I said trying to wipe my tears aways the best I could

"Josh." Oli said grabbing my hand and helping me up "I.. I Can't.. well..I'm breaking up with you Josh.. I can't be with you" he croked, tears threatening to spill from his eyes

"I don't love you, I never did.." he said dropping my hand and  turning around and walking away from me, away from us.

I can honestly say that everything he just said broke my fucking heart. No, it didn't just break my heart.. it ripped it from my chest and tore it into a billion fucking pieces. He never loved me, I forgave him for fucking me against me will! I put all my care and effort into this shit! I'm the one who tried my hardest to make him feel wanted! But for what? So he could play me? So he could wait until his whore of a girl friend came back and he could be happy with her?

"Why do I even try?!" I screamed, rage filling my body yet again.

Ran over and punched the side of the bus again and again, leaving more marks on the bus and making a pretty good sized gash in my hand. Then all at once the anger left and I was overcome with sadness and hate and self-loathing. All the things I had tried to save Oli from.. I was never good enough for him.. I knew that from the begining.

I sighed and collapsed on the ground letting the silent tears fall from my eyes, but I was so lost in thought I barely even knew I was crying. I didn't know what was going on around me.. I was numb from the world, cut off and practically dead and there was only two people who could save me.. myself, but lets be honest I was never that strong. or the man who just tore my heart like it was nothing and then just walked away.

"Josh.. come inside.. You need some sleep, mate" Matt said, approaching me carefully as if I was a bomb about ready to blow. But I guess I was, I could no longer contain my anger or sadness inside, who knew what I would do?

"I.. no.." I said, feeling the tears fall onto my hand

"Please Josh.. I don't want anything bad to happen, mate" he said reaching out his hand to me which I reluctantly took.

I followed behind Matt, walking stifly up the steps and into his room.

"You can sleep here.. I brought your stuff in here so you wouldn't have to go get it.." he trailed off letting out a long tired sigh

"Thank you" I said wrapping him in a tight hug.

"It's no proublem Josh" Matt chuckled "now go to sleep, you need it" he said pulling away from the hug and walking out the front door.

I went and layed down on the bed and slowly drifted to sleep. Today really took it out of me.. today really sucked ass.


hey guys! c: it's meeeeee! so I hope you all liked it. And to be completely honest it kinda hurt to write it. but oh well! anyway! don't forget to comment, share, vote, add to library, and add to reading list! bye guys! c:

*sings you your favorite song and gives you raibow cookies and milk*


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