Can You Feel My Heart?

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"Oh god Oli your so fucking sexy" Josh moaned in my ear


"Yeah babe" Josh breathed out.

"I want you take me babe. Please right here, right now" I begged, My words barely audible with my raspy voice and heavy breathing.

"Oli, I don't want to hurt you.." he said with a look on his face that I just couldn't figure out. I assume it was somewhere in the labyrinth between lust, shock, need, and fear.

"You won't babe, and even of you do.." I paused, choosing my words carfully. I knew how memories of that night could make him. "I-I hurt you way worse"

"Oli I dunno.."

"Come on babe, you know you want me" I teased with a wink as I layed back on the bed, spreading my legs open for him, putting on the sexiest face I could in such a sexually frustrated state.

"Okay babe, if that's what you want" he told me before he got on top of me, running uis hands over my body, as if testing my limits.

Josh kissed me and bit both of my lips, smirking when I whimpered into the kiss. 'So he likes it rough?' I thought, wondering how this night would turn out.

Josh took off my shirt, only parting our lips to get it off completely. He started to trail down my jawline with soft, sweet kisses. Yet once he got to my neck, the delicacy disappeared and he bit down. Hard. I moaned out of pleasure, surprised at how pleasurable something painful could be if done in the right sense. I quickly started to undo his belt and I ripped his pants down his flawless body, not even bothering to deal with the button or zipper. Josh kicked them off the rest of the way, stripping off his own shirt before pulling and grabbing at my jeans in an attempt to undo them. I decided to let him struggle with it as I started palming and grabbing at him through his boxers.

"Oh fuck Oli, I want you so bad." He moaned out

He finally got my jeans down and he yanked my boxers down with them, throwing both articles of clothing to the side, not giving a single fuck as to where they landed. He licked up and down my length, twirling his tongue around my tip, the sensation making me moan out his name. He removed his mouth and settled on tossing me off; he kept going until I was hard and a loud moaning, screaming, mess. Then he stopped all to quickly and disposed of his own boxers. He grabbed my legs and putting them behind his back, smirking as he placed himself a my entance.

"No prep?" I whined, slightly horrified at the idea of him entering bare, dry, and without the slightest bit of stretching except for the few times I had fingered myself to get off.

"Oh fine you wanker. Suck." He comanded as he brought his hand to my mouth, extending two fingers towards me.

I rolled them in my mouth, trying to get them as covered in my saliva as I could, knowing that woukd be my saving grace as to not getting my bum torn apart. He pulled them out of my mouth, a trail of spit hanging off them.

"Oh gross." He whined and brought them down, thrusting them in to me, getting me ready for what would come.

Then he pulled his long fingers out of me and slowly thrust into me. I winced at pain ad stretching, trying hard to make muself not tense around him.

"S-should I stop?" He panted.

"no, keep goin'.. Deeper.." I whimpered Ignoring the pain.

He reluctantly kept going thrusting into me, even slower then before. He got his full length into me, starting to slowly thrust in out of me.  I moaned out deeply as he started to go in a steay rhythm, rocking in out out of me. He started to go faster and with one extra hard, deep thrust he hit my prostate. I pratically screamed when he did--

"Oli? Oli? You need to get up we  will be in the next town in ten minutes" Matt said

"Ughhh alright mate, I'll be up in a minute" I told him, sighing as I sat up.

when I did, the first thing I noticed was how fucking hardl I was... Well no better time to wank then now; I decided, as I started to stroke my length, thinking of my amazing dream.

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