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My eyes slowly fluttered open and I kissed the top of Josh's head lightly. I was so glad he was mine again, I love him so much. And I mean fuck, we've been seperated way too many times.

"Baby, I'm going to go get us breakfast okay?" I whispered

"Alright, hurry back love" he mummbled kissing my cheek and then dosing off again.

I pulled myself out of bed, the cold air hitting my bare skin and making goose bumps spread around my body. I got dressed and kissed Josh on the forehead and grabbed my keys and wallet. I hopped down the steps and got into the cab, asking him to drive me to Mc Donalds. The drive was quiet and the man in the drivers seat was silent.

"You mind turning up the radio or somethin' mate?" I mummbled

"Uhh, sorry man, It's not working" he said in an American accent

"It's fine, mate." I sighed

"You alright, buddy?" He questioned

"Yeah, just tired. I wish I was back home with my Boyfriend" I chuckled

"Ahh, I know how you feel" he chuckled

We rode the rest of the way to Mc Donalds and most of the way back in an awkward silence.

"Thanks for the ride, mate!" I said handing the guy 15 bucks and getting out of the car with josh's and my food.

I walked up the steps and walked in to the hotel room I shared with Josh.

"-But You didn't have to lie to him!" Josh screamed

"Well what was I supposed to say?! The baby belong's to your boyfriend who I cheated on you with two weeks before you left me for him?! Yeah, I'm sure that would have gone over so much better!" Hannah yelled back

What... no..

"NO! But he doesn't deserve to be lied to!" He yelled

"Fine. Then tell him" she spat.

"...I can't" he sighed.

"I know. If you tell him, he'll leave you too." She said

I slowly sunk to my knees... everything was supposed to go right this time.. nothing was supposed to fuck this up.. not again. Tears started to poor from my eyes and I choked back sobbs

"I'm leaving.." I heard Josh mumbled

'I've got to get out of here' I thought but I didn't have the energy and I couldn't bring myself to stand.

"O-Oli?" Josh stuttered

"Oh fuck off! I thought you loved me,  But you don't! You let me belive that Alex was mine! But he was yours! You lied! So just fuck off! I hope ypu and hannah have fun fucking each others brains out. But I'm done with all this. You're fucking toxic josh! You ruin everything you touch... and you've clearly ruined me." I yelled, my voice wavering.

I got up and threw the food on the ground before I walked out. I have no where to go. No one would care, they would just tell me to get over it. I stummbled down the steps and sunk to my knees, shivering as the wind blew through my hair.

"This is what I get for everything I've done isn't it? This is your revenge" I mummbled as I looked up at the dark clouds looming overhead.

I heard loud crashes of thunder and then it started to rain. I shivered as the cold water soaked through my shirt and chilled me to the bone

"Of fuck me" sighed

"Oli, come with me" someone whispered to me as they picked me up bridal style and took me into a warm room and I slowly drifted off in their arms not caring who they were or where I was.


Ello! it's meeeeee! and you are all allowed to kill me for the wait. I proubly deserve it. anyway! I hope you liked this chapter! there will be a new one with in the next couple days c:


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