Tell Me It's All In My Head

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"T-This.. He.. Is mine?" I stuttered, shock still clear on my face

"Yep!.. but I do hope you know you can't be with Josh and help raise this child. I mean I wouldn't want your gay to rub off on him" she cackled

"Shut the fuck up Hannah, I don't love YOU. I love Josh Franceschi and I always will." I snapped

"No one asked who you Loved! All I'm saying is that if you want to see your child that you're going to be with me!" she said

"You're a fucking bitch Hannah!" I yelled a look of discust flashing over my features before I wiped them Clean of all emotion yet again

Hannah took The baby and sat him down on the bed

"Now listen to me right now Oli! I can make your life hell! I can make it so you never see your child! So either you're going to be with me or I'll take Alexander and you will never see him!" She screamed at me, poking me in the chest

"Fine, I'll stay.. but I fucking hate your guts, you worthless bitch" I sighed, finally giving in

"No one ever said you had to like me!" She said back and then the baby started crying.

Hannah went to go get him but I walked in front of her and snatched him before she could

"Wouldn't want your bitchy attitude to rub off on him" I said rocking the child back in forth in my arms until his loud cries became soft giggles and his eyes started to droop. Soon he was asleep and I sat down with him in my arms.

....something about this just isn't right, I can feel it..


hey everyone! I know it has been forever!! but here is a new chapter! I hope that can make up for it a little! oh and there will be a new chapter in two days. That is how often I'll try to upload! Don't forget to comment, Vote, Share, add to library, and add to reading list! love you guys ♥♡


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