The One That Survived [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 6

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~Chapter 6~

“Give it up. Not one of the three of you….will ever be a ninja!” Kakashi had a scary glare on his face as I turned my back to them, smoking a….I lost count how many cigarette’s I’ve had by this point.

“What do you mean give up?!” Naruto yelled.

“Give me a break! Okay, so maybe none of us got our hands on one of you guy’s stupid bells….but why the heck should we quit over that?” He continued.

“Because not one of you has what it takes! Especially not that bratty little Uchiha!” I snapped, turning around in annoyance.

I blinked as he rushed up, running towards me as Naruto and Sakura reacted differently.

I smirked, smacking him onto the ground and sat on him, one foot on his head and one arm pulling back one of his behind his back.

“What you are is a trio of spoiled brats….” Kakashi said which a smirk under his mask.

“Don’t step on Sasuke! Get off of him!” Sakura shouted. Both Kakashi and I glared at them.

“Are you trying to make fun of the shinobi with the way you act? Well, are you?” I spat.

“Did you even stop to wonder for a minute….why you were divided into teams?” Kakashi continued.

“Uh….excuse me?” Sakura asked in confusion. My eye twitched.

“Obviously not. So you missed the entire point of the exercise.” Kakashi sighed as I pushed my foot down on the Uchiha’s head.

“It had a point….?!” Naruto asked in confusion.

“Of course. And that point determines whether or not you would succeed.”

“But….you haven’t explained what it is!”  I’m going to have a lot of eye twitches with Sakura around….

I sighed as Kakashi just stared at them. “……..I don’t believe this.”

“Aw, come on, already! Tell us!!!” Naruto shouted impatiently.

“It’s….teamwork.” Kakashi glared at them once more. Huh. He can be scary.

Sasuke jerked under me in surprise while Sakura and Naruto got shocked looks.

“If the three of you had come at me….together you might have been able to take the bells.”

“If we were expected to function as a team, why did you only have two bells? And say to go after you instead of also going after Hokori-sensei?! Even if we’d worked together to go after you, one of us still would have no bell! You’re preaching teamwork, but you played us against each other.”

“I warned you Hokori was stronger than me, did I not? If you couldn’t even get a bell from me, how do you expect to get one from her? Anyway, this task was designed to cause dissension in your ranks.” Kakashi carried on as the Genin stared at me warily. Except Sasuke. He was gritting his teeth in anger.

“The situation was set up to reveal which of you….would set aside you individual interests….and propose to the others that you work together for the good of all,” Kakashi said, “Instead of which….you, Sakura, ignored Naruto, who was right in front of you….while you focused your attention on Sasuke, though you didn’t know where he was. Naruto tried to do single-handedly what should have been the work of all three! And Sasuke had already decided that the other two just got in his way….that he was better off playing solo and went after the stronger of the senseis.”

I stuffed the Uchiha’s face in the dirt as he growled.

“You are a team! Learn to act as one! Yes, it’s necessary for ninja to have individual skills, but….what is even more important now is teamwork!”

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