The One That Survived [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 19

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~Chapter 19~

I appeared in front of a Sound ninja, pulling my sword out in a flash and beheading him.

“Chi!” I yelled, letting out a loud whistle. There was poof as Chi appeared beside me, having used a transportation jutsu. He gave a dog-like smirk, nodding at me.

“Tear them to ribbons.” I ordered. He nodded, right by my side as I rushed forward. There was fighting and bodies all over the place. Four Sand ninja appeared in front of me and I did a sequence of hand signs, Chi picturing his own in his mind. He did the Shadow Bat Wing Jutsu, the black bat wings sprouting from his back and he launched into the air as I started running around the ninja.

“Double Flame: Dirt Tornado Whirlwind!” I growled, catching up a few more Sand and Sound ninja in the large fire attack. It exploded, burning the ninja to a crisp and I jumped up, landing on Chi’s back as he flew near me.

He shot up to the sky and I pulled off my eye patch, stuffing it in my weapons pouch. I wouldn’t need the stupid thing for this.

I smirked, feeling my teeth and claws sharpen and my tattoos form. It’s time for my kekkei genkai to come in handy. I looked over to one of the stands, seeing one Leaf ninja being ganged up on and instantly flashed in front of them, tearing at the other ninja.

They gasped, looking shocked and I was the last thing they saw before their necks were gouged out.

They all dropped dead in a matter of seconds and I glanced over at the ninja, nodding at him. He nodded his thanks before I disappeared again, making hand signs.

My targeted ninja, one from the Sound, was then smashed into the ground, my fire encircled fist having landed on the top of his head given I had jumped up.

“This is fun.” I chuckled, appearing next to a Sand nin and beheading him. Chi sweatdropped, landing beside me.

“Sometimes I question your sanity.” He grumbled.

“You should.” I smirked evilly over at him. He rolled his eyes, turning suddenly to close his jaws around a ninja and snap their spine in half.

“You should summon Kawauso and the others.” Chi advised.

“Why?” I questioned, pulling out my sword again and twirled it in one hand.

“Because that way this can be over?” I rolled my eyes and hopped on Chi’s back.

“Depends. Let’s look at the wreckage and depending on that I will.”

He nodded, spread his wings and took off, eventually leveling out around four hundred feet in the air. I looked in all directions before spotting three giant snakes near the east gate. I blinked in surprise as suddenly one was crushed by a huge frog with twin katana’s strapped to its back.

My eyes narrowed. “Isn’t that Jiraiya’s summon?”

“If I remember correctly then yeah.” Chi answered, dipping one wing to circle around and dart over to the huge amphibian. When we got close enough he landed on top of its head beside the white-haired Sannin.

“Jiraiya, it’s been awhile.” I greeted. I nodded down towards a roof where Ibiki and some other ninja stood.

“Hokori. I wish we had met on better terms.” He replied, smirking. I smirked back, saluting at him.

“I’ll take care of the douche bags other snake. I feel like shedding some more blood.” I grinned evilly and he rolled his eyes.

“How is it back at the Chunin Exams?” He questioned, a serious expression blooming on his face. I sighed, glancing back towards the arena where I could see the barrier still in play.

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