The One That Survived [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 9

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~Chapter 9~

It was two weeks later and I sighed, looking down at Zabuza’s and Haku’s graves. I got an irk mark as Sakura slapped Naruto. I felt like slapping him myself.

“What sneaky, greedy trick are you up to now? You eat an offering, you’ll be punished by the gods!” I looked down with a sigh, shaking my head then glanced up as she spoke again, “….but still….Master Kakashi….”


“I can’t help wondering. Were those two right about what a ninja should be?”

I tilted my head. Good question. I looked over at Kakashi as he answered. “A shinobi shouldn’t be concerned with a reason for her own existence. It is important merely that we exist as a tool for our homeland to use in whatever way they need. That’s as true for us in Konohagakure as it is for ninja anywhere else.”

“Is that really what becoming a full-fledged ninja’s gonna be about?” Naruto asked, “I don’t like the sound of it!”

“Do you two really feel that way, Master Kakashi, Master Hokori?” Sasuke asked.

I waved for Kakashi to answer first. “Well….no. and that’s why all we ninja live our lives with that ideal always bubbling beneath the surface of our minds, disturbing us. Like it did Zabuza….and the boy….” I nodded in agreement and watched as Naruto stared at Haku’s grave for a second, then turned to us with a pout.

“That’s it. I’ve made up my mind! I am going to create my own nindo-my own ninja path. My own destiny!” I smiled at him, nodding.

“Oh, and Hokori-sensei?” I looked over at him with a blink of my eye.

“If you don’t mind me asking….how did you know Zabuza and Haku?” Naruto asked hesitantly and I sensed the whole team listening in. I blinked, sighing and looked at the graves.

“When Haku was young….I traveled to the Land of the Mist for a two month long mission. Among that time….” I blushed, looking away and scratching the back of my head.

“What is it, Hokori-sensei?” Sakura asked as they looked at me oddly.

“I kinda dated Zabuza.” I mumbled, poking my fingers together.

They all gaped at me and I blushed darker, turning around. “It was in the past. Then, I had to leave and then they became rouge and….I met them on a mission and since they were in the bingo book I had to kill them. I was with a team of four so I really didn’t have a choice. If I had been alone, I would have let them go but….yeah. Anyway, they got away after almost being killed by one of my jutsu. Though I did hold back….” I chuckled at the memory and eyed Zabuza’s sword.

“I always wanted that sword….no, no. bad.” I chuckled, walking off and waved over my shoulder.

“Zaza and Flower were some of my best friends. Seems a lot of people important to me die.” I mumbled the last part and sighed.

After a long trip back with Naruto and Sakura mostly talking, I finally was able to get home. I let out a sigh of relief as I fell on my bed tiredly after taking a nice, long shower.

I fell asleep immediately.

By the time I woke up I was groaning, rolling over in annoyance to smash my alarm clock to bits. I sweat-dropped as I looked at it. Whoops….

I got up, pulling open a drawer on my beside table and put another one in its place after I swiped the last one into a trashcan. How many does that make? Probably a hundred. Or a thousand….maybe a million….

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