The One That Survived [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 27

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~Chapter 27~

“We should be arriving in the village by mid-day tomorrow.” I told the others as we settled down in a secluded clearing, rolling out our sleeping bags.

“In that case, we all better get ready for a fight, correct?” Kuromaru, Tsume’s black and white wolf, questioned. He turned his head to look at me and I nodded at the eye-patch wearing canine.

“Well, the sooner we’re done with this mission the better. I’ll take first watch.” Chi announced. I scowled, shifting my eyes to look at him.


“Because, I need to get back to the village quickly.” He stated. My eyes narrowed in suspicion and he flopped his ears back, looking away. I scoffed before waving a hand in his direction.

“Whatever. Wake me up at midnight and I’ll take my shift. Who wants to go after me?” I nodded when Tsume raised her hand and then it’d be Kuromaru then Kakashi and then Guy.

“Finally, we’re here.” I grumbled, glancing around the village beneath us. We were all looking down from tree branches, watching the people strolling by as they shopped, met up with others or any other meaningless thing.

“I think I see them.” Tsume suddenly muttered. I looked up at her and then switched my gaze to the spot she was looking at. I caught a flash of a black cloak as someone rounded a corner and I scowled, looking over at Chi.

He nodded, performing the Shadow Bat Wing Jutsu before jumping out into the sky. I kept my eyes on him as he quickly descended high into the air, looking like a simple bird. After a few minutes he returned to us, his ears flopped back.

“It’s definitely them. All four of them are heading towards the temple over there.” He swung his head towards a tall temple near the edge of the town and I nodded, looking at the others.

“Alright, everyone. Kakashi and I will circle around to the front with Chi. Guy, Tsume and Kuromaru, you three will get behind them. Once we all are in position, attack to kill.” All of them nodded, their faces set into ones of determination before we all dispersed.

Once in position I glanced over at Kakashi, nodding my head. He got the signal, exchanging it to Guy who exchanged it to Tsume. All together we jumped out, intercepting the Akatsuki on the lone road they were walking on, the village buildings having stopped a few yards back. This one road winded into the landscape, leading directly towards the temple.

All four of the Akatsuki stopped, scowls morphing onto their features. They were all males with two of them wearing masks. One had his entire face covered except for his eyes and a slashed Waterfall Village attached to it. The other male was hunchbacked and only had his mouth covered. Now, the other two guys were….strange. There was a girly-looking blond boy from Iwagakure and the other one had slicked back silver hair with a Yugakure headband around his neck along with a Jashin pendent.

“Oh joy, a Jashinist.” I mumbled, pulling my sword out with a scowl. The silver-haired man perked up, a cocky smile appearing on his lips.

“Oh, so you fucking know about Jashin-sama, ay bitch?”

My eye twitched and I growled. “Yup. You fuckers that follow him are all dumbasses. Every single one of you are all idiotic and blood crazed masochists.” The males purple eyes flared with rage with the girly-looking blond snickered.

“You hear that, Hidan? Finally someone who agrees with us, yeah!”

“Shut the fuck up, Deidara-chan.” The Jashinist sneered. The blond instantly scowled, an irk mark appearing on his head.

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