The One That Survived [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 23

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~Chapter 23~


“What’s the mission again?” Tenki asked. He was the one I had the least problems with. He was unconscious while his dumbass teammates did what they did.

“Here.” I grumbled, tossing him the mission scroll from where I rode on Chi’s back. He caught it easily, skimming through it.

All we had to do was infiltrate some gang and kill the leader and his top subordinates. Pretty simple, I’d say.

As Tenki relayed the mission to the two bastards, the bitch let out a screech. “That’s disgusting! We have to join a gang?!”

“What’s wrong with a gang.” Tenki deadpanned, throwing the scroll back to me. I put it into my weapons pouch, barely listening as she whined about how filthy and disgusting the men in a gang would be. And about how she’d probably get raped.

I snickered.

She glared at me as she heard my laughter.

“You got something to say, freak?” She sneered. I simply smirked.

“It’s just that you practically invite rape with your clothing. But your personality and whinny little voice drives every man away so you’d probably be safe.” I shrugged as the other two snickered, shutting up when they shot her a glare.

“You bitch! You can’t-”

“Shut up, stupid.” I ordered, interrupting her. She grew a vein, her eyes blazing as she started yelling at me. All I heard was blah, blah, blah and blah. Stupid chick.

I rolled my eyes, yawning. I was bored, I hated having to travel places. I liked using the transportation jutsu a lot more.

“Chi, how ‘bout you go scout?” I questioned. He nodded as I stood up on his back as he continued running and hopped onto a tree branch, easily keeping along with everyone’s pace.

“How will he scout? He’s going the same speed as us.” Nikko asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes as Chi thought of the hand signs before two huge bat wings shot out of his back. He quickly jumped into the air, flapping strongly as the others gaped.

“What the hell?!” Nikko yelled. I shrugged, picking up the speed.

“Let’s go. We can be half-way through Lightning Country by nightfall.” I said. The boy’s shrugged while Tsuki glared at me.

“Why do you insist on acting like you’re in charge! I’m more powerful than you.” She huffed, brushing back her hair. My eyes narrowed.

“Must I remind you who had you choking in the air a few hours ago? Plus I’m more senior than you in ranking, you little brat.” I snapped.

Her eyes widened in disbelief. “You are not. I became a Jonin when I was-”

“Yeah, ten. I know. You know what I was doing when I was ten? Slaughtering two hundred Rock ninja in one night. Now shut the fuck up and pick up the pace.” I growled, my temper snapping. Now all of them looked shocked and slightly scared. I let out a growl before picking it up to my top speed.

“Hey! Wait for us!” Nikko shouted as I gained ten yards of a distance between us in a few seconds.

I snorted, venting out my anger by increasing my speed.

By the time nightfall hit we did make it half-way through Lightning Country. The other’s were exhausted and I admit I felt a little fatigued but at least I wasn’t about to fall over like them.

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