Chapter 2: My Bad...

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A few weeks later I was back in Oakland to end the American leg of my tour. I had the first day here off though so I decided to spend the night with Sierra and Diamond. Apparently tonight was also homecoming for their college and since alumni always go, and they were still living close to the college, we decided to go there.

Shockingly, but also not really, word spread pretty quickly that I was going to be at this year's homecoming dance, so I expected more people than usual to be there tonight. Meaning there would probably be more fans and pap at the party so I let Dinah know earlier that I was going to be at the party.

"Has D.J. responded yet?"

Diamond asked again as we were putting on our make up. I sighed and shook my head.

"No Diamond. When my phone dings I'll check."

"Geez what's taking her so long?"

She groaned making me shake my head at her impatience.

"And why do you need her permission?"

I rolled my eyes at Sierra's comment before putting down what I was doing to look at them both.

"Okay, she is in like the most popular quintet ever right now. And also in the middle of their world tour. She can't respond at the drop of a dime. And it's not permission I'm asking for, asshole. I'd just rather her hear about the party from my point of view, rather than 100 paps and fans."

They both mumbled whatever under their breath as I turned around to finish what I was doing. Only for my phone to ring and I have to stop quickly to answer it. Since I was in a rush I put it on speaker and continued fixing my makeup.


Hey, babe. What were you talking about in the messages?

Oh, it's my day off and I wanted to let you know I was going to the girls homecoming party with them.

Oh okay. Just text me when you leave at least. Or whenever you make it to one of their houses.

Of course, babygirl

She was quiet for a few seconds on the other side before I heard her yell to someone in the distance.

I'll be right there! Okay I have to go. We have this talk show thing and it's already going to take forever with the translators.

I chuckled at her upsetness as I finished my last touches on my face.

Alright. I'll call you tomorrow.



Nope, 106. Bye.

I hung up and looked at myself again to make sure I was good. I saw the other two looking at me through the mirror making me widen my eyes slightly and raise my eyebrows.


"You guys are just... I don't even know."

Sierra said and I shrugged.

"You should be used to it by now. It has been over 3 years. And that's just us together."

They both mumbled responses but it was too low for me to hear them. So, I just laughed and shook my head.

"Come on, y'all. I'm ready."

Arriving at the party, the phrase "the party don't start til I walk in" applied to me that night. When we first arrived to the house, which was an hour and a half late, nobody was really doing anything. Music was playing and people were drinking but it wasn't a party; it was barely a kickback which is shocking because this is supposed to be their homecoming. Once the DJ saw I was there though, and announced it, the amount of people there tripled within the hour and it became a real homecoming party.

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