Chapter 24: We Back?

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A/N IDK just felt like updating today.... Ending authors note is my last thoughts on the whole Fifth Harmony/Camila situation. After that, unless the four girls come out with separate statements about the situation, I'm done talking about it. What happened, happened. ANYWAYS.... ENJOY!!❤❤ Edit 9-19-17: I lied. My final comment is fuck her 🙄

Six days. That's how long it's been since I have spoken to Dinah. When I first hung up on her, she tried to contact me right after and even throughout my show. But once she figured I wasn't going to answer her, she stopped trying altogether.

I knew my fans were starting to see the toll that it was taking on me. They didn't know it was about her exactly, even though some had their assumptions about it being her. After I left Charlotte I went to Raleigh. At that show I was able to put on a good enough face to give my fans the show they wanted. In Pittsburgh and D.C. my energy was starting to go down. I would still perform the way I usually did, but my aura was so off anyone could feel it.

Especially once I hit Richmond. With me not having some a thick wall anymore on my emotions, when I sung some of my slower love songs, I was on the brink on tears the whole time. Thankfully, I didn't cry though. But the feeling didn't go away and I definitely didn't like walking around feeling like I did.

I never thought I would feel like I was actually losing the love of my life again. But she was so adamant about me cheating, I don't think me apologizing and proving her that I didn't is enough anymore. Even though I want to call her so bad. But I can't keep running to her to get her to accept my apologies when I've done nothing wrong. Deep down I was hoping she would beg for my acceptance for once, but my hope was running out quicker than I wanted it too. And that was the worst feeling ever: hoping for something you knew wouldn't happen no matter how much you tried.

Now I was back in New York City preparing for my 2 MSG performances. I was slightly better today though. Especially since the kids that I met at the cemetery a few months ago were coming to this show. I invited Milika to come with Seth and Regina as well so I could keep my promise to the kids of having other kids to play with.

That's actually who I was waiting for as of now. My show started a little while ago and the last act was about to get on the stage. Since this is the biggest intermission time, that's when they all were supposed to be coming backstage.


I heard my name be screamed. I turned around just for the three kids to almost knock me down because of the force they ran at to hug me.

"Woah. Don't break the main event. I still have to perform."

I said hugging then back. They ignored me completely though, all starting to talk at once about what they've been up to since I last saw them. I smiled softly at them in amusement as they all tried to get me to only pay attention to them.

"Hey, guys. One at a time. She probably didn't hear a word you said."

One of their parents said as they walked over to me as well. I hugged them both as they came over and the kids pouted, waiting for my attention again.

"It's fine actually. I'm glad you like your new school. I wish mine had a soccer field when I went, but all we had was a swingset and a slide."

I said to the youngest making him smile up at me.

"And really? I love riding bikes. Maybe you should let you're mommies teach you. That way one day we can ride together."

The middle child pouted a little but nodded right after.

"Don't worry, babe. They won't let you fall."

This made her pout turn into a smile as I turned to the oldest.

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