Chapter 11: 105?

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Has Forever Come to an End?

Two weeks ago, Y/N Y/L/N was having a normal day for her. She spent a few hours getting ready for a red carpet, met Fifth Harmony soon after they arrived, greeted her girlfriend of 3 years, Dinah Jane, and performed a few hours later. But was all of this just an act?

Sources say immediately following the performance, Y/L/N ran off the stage, rudely shoving her mic and box needed for the performance at the first person she saw. Then, proceeded to bump and push people out of her way to get to an unknown destination.

That is, until she had a small spat with new CEO of Def Jam Records, Paris Hamilton. Then, ran to her Hansen, pulling her into a room. Most assumed that they were going to celebrate, until they heard yelling coming from the room.

Although no one could make out exactly what was said behind the closed door, Hansen walked out of the room crying. Sources say shortly after, Hansen's bandmate, and Y/L/N's childhood best friend, Camila Cabello entered the room, not exiting until long after the award show was over.

Does this mean that Y/S/N is over? Is this just a fight that didn't end well? Or have we all been reading into the events wrong? Leave what you think in the comment section below.

I rolled my eyes at the article, exiting off of the page. This is the first article published about that night and once it starts to get around, they will only multiply from here.

Right after Dinah walked out on me, I fell onto my back, keeping my knees bent and had my arms over my face as I cried to myself. Until a few minutes later, Camila came into the room trying to figure out what happened.

"All Dinah is doing is crying. I don't understand. I thought you said the songs would help."

Not being able to stop myself from crying, I had to speak through my deep breaths and sobs.

"They were supposed to! But that bitch of a CEO changed my set list seconds before I walked on stage. And when I tried to tell her that she just... And then she thinks I'm cheating on her with Alycia because I brought her to that fucking pond. And apparently she was at that college party when I was and she thinks I was cheating on her then. And something about Nela being better for her. I just- we were just good I don't.... She fucking broke up with me Cam. She just left me. I begged her but she didn't listen. Camila I don't- I don't know what to do. Please help me. I can't lose her."

In the middle of me talking, she sat down against the wall right next to me, which was a struggle since she was in a gown type dress. She pulled my body so my head was on her lap. Once I had finished speaking she started rubbing her hands through my hair and I turned my head so my face was in her stomach as I clutched onto her.

"Okay, okay. We'll figure something out, alright? It'll be okay. We'll fix it."

That was two weeks ago. Now, I'm in the car, on the way to the airport because of shows I had in Europe. I've been trying to talk to Dinah everyday since the award show. Either calling or texting. I'd even go to the Fifth Harmony mansion but she was never there. At one point I even went to her house, but her dad wouldn't even let me in the house. Saying she needs time.

But that's the last thing I wanted to give her, because I was afraid that if I gave her too much time then she would move on. And that would probably break me more. Camila's been trying to help too, but Lauren, Normani, and Ally usually push her away so she doesn't keep bringing it up to Dinah.

Now, because of the article, paparazzi have been following the car since I left my house. And as soon as my driver let me out, they were at the door bombarding me with questions about Dinah. There were some fans there too, but I walked past them as well saying I was in a rush but I loved them. Neither of us have took to social media yet about what happened giving me hope that she didn't really mean it. I don't think I could handle my fans asking about it when I'm still not even sure if we are actually over.

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