eighty four

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"If she doesn't survive this I don't think I will be able to live. Honestly Lin, she is everything to me." He says, I look down and nod my head in agreement.

"I know, I know.. We just have to hope for the best and know that Olivia is a strong girl, she will pull through this."


[Jasmine's POV]

"Where is Olivia?" I yell as I run to the group of familiar faces in the hospital waiting room.

"Jazz, breathe. She is in surgery." Gregory says to me, standing up from his seat.

"How did this happen? How could Anthony let this happen? Oh my god, Olivia is my best friend I need her to survive this, she has to survive this!" I say through quivering lips, my vision blurs with tears that sting my eyes.

My lungs begin to burn as I fight for a breath of air, I can't breathe. Olivia might die, she actually could die and I don't know what to do.

Gregory grabs my shoulders and forces me to look at him, "I know, Jazz. But we have to stay strong for her, come here.."

He embraces me in his long warm eyes, I cry into his chest. He rocks me back and forth trying to calm me down.

"Shh.. Breathe with me ok? In... Out..." He says soothing into my ear. I shakily gasp in air in sync with him.

"Good, a few more times. Fill your lungs with air and slow your heartbeat." He he's quietly, still holding me. I look up and see that we are in an empty corner away from the cast, I didn't even notice him walking me away from the waiting room.

"How'd you get so good at that?" I say, out of breath a little. The only person that was able to calm me down as well as Gregory just did was Anthony and well..

"My little sister has horrible anxiety, and my parents weren't around much so I was usually taking care of her while we were growing up so I have helped her through a lot of anxiety attacks." He explains and then shrugs and gives a weak smile.

"Thank you.." I say to him.

"Do you want to talk about it, talking is usually better than bottling everything up." He offers, gesturing towards 2 empty chairs against a wall. I look around and find out that we are in the ER waiting room, the surgical waiting room must be down the hall.

I follow his lead and sit in one of the chairs, my breathing finally steady. "I am just.. I'm so scared, Gregory." I tell him. "Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?"

"I do." He responds.

"I used to think that.. But what is the reasoning for this? Olivia is the type of person that everyone loves, she is caring, smart, insightful and just a literal ray of sunshine. How can someone so pure be hurt so badly? What kind of game is God playing?" I ramble on.

"That's the thing that sucks about the bad moments in life.. You never know why until much later." He says, not quite answering my question but I don't ask him again.

"She might die." I say bluntly.

"Yeah." He says in the same tone. "But she could also push through this and fight until she survives. We can't think about this in a negative way, we have to be hopeful and send all our love to her."

He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers together. He bows his head slightly and I follow suit.

"Dear God.." He begins to pray. He squeezes my hand tightly as he continues his prayer, muttering the words just loud enough for the two of us to hear.

"If you are listening, please look out for Olivia. Send her your love and your strength to help her fight this. She needs you, please don't leave her alone. She has touched so many people within the short amount of years she has lived, let her have more years so she can keep bringing joy and love into the world. Help her find the strength to survive. In your name, Amen."

After he finishes his prayer I whisper under my breath so Gregory can't hear me, "Keep fighting, Olivia. You can do this, I believe in you. Stay alive for me, stay alive for Lin, stay alive for.. Stay alive for Anthony. No, stay alive for all of us. It isn't your time to go. Please, just stay alive."

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I haven't been feeling that confident in this story lately, I feel like it has severely gone downhill. Could you guys take a quick minute to comment and let me know what I am doing well and what I should add or improve on? It would be much appreciated ;)

I am so so so sorry for the unacceptably long gaps between updates! Between school, volleyball, choir, homework, friend and family issues, and having time to myself, I am left with hardly any time to write. I am also very uninspired at the moment :/ if you guys give me some ideas for the story, updates will come much more frequent (:

I love talking to people on Twitter and Skype, all of you should go follow my Twitter and DM me and we can talk all day, not just about Hamilton, everything in life (ps. you will often get to help me with my story) Or add me on Skype if you don't have Twitter! Should I get a kik? Let me know what other social medias I should get.

Twitter : @/blakeaibhlinn
Skype : aibhlinnblake

That was an annoyingly long authors note, sorry! It is 4:21am and I haven't gotten a minute of sleep and I have school tomorrow.. yikes. Anyways, have a lovely day or night. I love you.

- aibhlinn

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