Chapter 20

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*Luke’s P.O.V*

“Hey… Derek?” He turned to me just as he opened the door to go into Shannon’s office.

“Yeah?” I swallowed my nerves.

“Can I talk to you? About Shannon?” he nodded.

“Of course, is she okay?” I nodded.

“Yeah, she’s perfect” I told him. A small smile spread across his face but he let me continue. “I want to do something nice for her and we know quite a bit about each other but, I know you know her better than anyone else” he nodded. “Can you help me out?” I asked.

“You mean like, tell you little things about her that only I would know?” I nodded not sure how to respond to his last words. “Yeah” he gestured me forward and put his hands up to quietly tell me to stay where I was after a few steps.

“Shannon!” He called out.

“Yeah?” she responded quickly.

“I’m gonna put a new playlist on alright!”

“Go for it! Just don’t make it crappy…” I heard her cute chuckle from the front racks of the store. He sped walked back to where I was.

“One thing Shannon loves to do, is dance” he said.

Dance? Got it.

I watched as he fiddled with the store iPod and began to play some pop music. The voices sounded familiar but I couldn’t quite pin point it. “Shannon will try any genre out there but she always come back to pop and she has at least four top artist that she listens to right now. And she loves older music as well, like The Temptations and Elvis especially” he informed me, I nodded to indicate that I was listening. “The feelings that you get can’t help but make me wonder” the voice sang through the speakers as Derek lead me back into the store.

“Watch…” he told me as he pointed to Shannon.

She began bopping as she sorted through the clothes “If you’re the test I got the answer, I’m all that you need” I heard her voice sing along. I continued to watch as she swayed her hips from side to side and spinning towards the display tables and folding some more t-shirts as her hips began to sway once more.

She looked happy, really happy.

“So dancing makes her happy?” I asked.

He nodded “Happier than any other time I see her”

“I know that when she talks about her plans for the store it makes her happy” I told him.

He nodded in agreement, “Ask her about what she took in school, she took Design and Technology as an elective and that’s where some of her designs came from. Her old portfolio” I nodded. “She loves it when you remember her order from either Starbucks or Mcdonalds. It makes her feel really special” he told me. I nodded.

Remembering the small things, got it.

“But more than anything, she likes you” He said catching my attention. “She would kill me if she knew I was talking about her to you” he continued.

“Why?” I asked. “She doesn’t like it when I give notes to her future boyfriends” he shrugged.

Future boyfriend? Does she want me to be her boyfriend? But most importantly, his done this before?

“She’ll make you smile just as much as you try to make her smile. She’ll always beat you to it, no matter how hard you try.” He had a hint of a sigh in his voice, making me curious about their history together.

“How did you and Shannon meet?” I asked.

“Her aunty bought this store from my uncle, I needed a job and Shannon and her aunty needed muscle around here” he said, “I was the only one close to her age and we sort of just stuck together, been that way ever since” he smiled.

It warmed my heart knowing Shannon had someone like him, but made me worried because of his obvious good looks and matching personality.

“Don’t worry, I’ve never seen her as anything more than a little sister. She’s 3 years younger than me and I’m too close to her to ruin anything” he reassured me.

“I know I didn’t have to say that but she told me about situation with Ashton and I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea” he said. I nodded, “Another thing she loves is flowers… but I guess you knew that” I nodded once more unsure of what to say.

We both turned back to see Shannon laughing along with another one of her employees. “But I have to say, you’ve made her happier than I’ve seen her in a long time” I smiled as he seemed to approve of me.

“Hey boys!” she smiled as she hip bumped Derek.

“Hey, I can see you liked the playlist I chose” Derek smiled triumphantly.

I chuckled as she nodded, “Not too shabby”

“So… the only reason I pulled myself away from my ridiculous dancing is because a little someone got invited to a club tonight” she smile glancing towards me.

“You’re 17” I said.

“Aren’t you the one that sings about ‘Fake ID’s?” she chuckled, she had a point there.

“And you are telling me because?”

“Because your my legal guardian and you love me and you will let me go?” a innocent smile spread across her face and her gaze at me told a different story.

Derek is her guardian? That explains why his so close to her.

“Who are you going with?” Derek questioned as he crossed him arms.

“Kennedy, of course…” she began, “And…” she trailed off as her arm wrapped around my bicep “If Luke and the boys want to come, they can” she smiled.

“Three underage teenagers in a club!” he exclaimed.

“With three other responsible drinkers”

“You’re calling Kennedy as responsible drinker?” I laughed as she shot me a smile.

“Okay, two responsible drinkers” she corrected.

“Shannon, parties are one thing. I know people that can look after you at parties when I’m not there, but clubs?” he shook his head to her as she pouted.

“The boys will look after me!” she debated.

“You don’t even know if they can come out yet!” she looked to me.

“Are you going to come?” I felt pressured to say yes, due to my feelings for the girl hanging off my arm but felt I should do the responsible thing considering the guy I just asked for notes could either practically be considered her father or uncle.

“Umm…” she looked to me in a little disbelief. “I-I’d love to go” I stuttered. Another smile spread across her face before she entwined our hands together. “I’ll look after her” I nodded to him letting him know that it was a promise.

I looked to her as the smile on her face grew. The smile that I’m not ashamed to say, I have fallen in love with over the past couple months I have known her.

‘I’ll look after her’ I promised myself.

*Authors Note*
Another short chapter x Sorry x
I'll be updating another two times after this!
I hope you're enjoy the chapters

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