Chapter 7: The 1st Request! Find The Ring!

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"A request?" I asked.

"Yes. You see, I lost a ring. It's not just any other ring... My mom gave it to me during my last birthday... It's very much important and precious to me."


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"Irene..." says Ken.

"Don't worry Irene, we'll find it for you." I said.

"Really?" she asks.

"Well, considering you're the 1st one to come here and make a request plus, you're a friend of ours, of course we will!" said Jihyun.

"Yeah! You'll get it back soon!" said Woohyun.

"Thank you guys! Thank you so much!" Irene said with tears in her eyes.

"To get this search started, where do you think you lost it?" Wonho asks her.

"Hmm... I think at the auditorium." said Irene.

Okay... the auditorium..." I said as I wrote on a notepad. "Where did you go after?"

"Let's see... Ken and I went to the library to return some books we borrowed and then we separated, he went to his club while I went to the school garden because that's where the Music Club's members initially met a while ago. The last place I went to was the Music Room and that's where I noticed my ring was missing."

After writing it all down, I closed my notepad and placed it inside my pocket.

"Okay, we're going to go out and start looking for it. Woohyun, got the sign?" I asked.

"Yep! It's here!" Woohyun held up a sign saying "DOING A REQUEST". He posted it on the door.

"You and Ken can wait here while we go and find your ring. Don't worry, okay?" I told Irene.

"Okay, thank you again guys!" Irene said.

Jihyun, Woohyun, Wonho and I leaves the club room and heads first towards the auditorium.

"Do you think the janitors swept the place already?" Jihyun asked.

"It's possible. Let's ask them afterwards." I said.

Before we can open the doors of the auditorium, it burst open and we saw a screaming Krystal, apparently doused in red paint coming out, followed by Jackson, Sooyoung and Minzy!

"What just happened?" I asked.

"Was that?!" Woohyun asked.

"Krystal... yep!" said Wonho.

"Why is she all wet with red... paint?" asked Jihyun.

Curious as we may be, we proceeded inside the auditorium. Jihyun and Woohyun remembered where they say with Ken, Irene and Eunji. We looked beneath the chairs and the surrounding area. No trace of it. We even checked the sides and the corners.

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