Chapter 20: Summer! Love! Horror?!

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It's finally summer!

We finally have a few weeks break from school!

The stifling summer heat quickly blazed across the entire country.

Business was a bit slow in the café but it wasn't such a big concern. My brother developed this annoying habit of looking at the café's airconditioners to see if they're broken or not.

"It's better to be prepared at all times." He would say.

The Black Roses continued their regular performances at the café drawing in large numbers of customers, even foreigners!

My friends would visit time to time... no, almost every day actually. They would either spend time in the café or in my room upstairs.

Surprisingly, Myungsoo has somehow disappeared. He hasn't shown himself ever since the last day of term.

"Maybe he's really given up?" I said.

"Could be. No messages or calls from him?" Wonho asked me.

"None at all. He used to send me annoying ones, but the last one was weeks ago!"

"Hmm... maybe his family went away for vacation and he went with them. They're filthy rich anyway."

"I suppose so..."

As for me and Wonho?

I see him everyday! My brother actually allowed him to greet me when he came for work and then say goodbye to me when he went home.

Their schedule now changed a bit. Since we don't have classes, they're free to choose either the day or their usual evening shift for 3 days which were Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Monday to Wednesday are full days for them meaning a slight increase in their salaries.

My brother decided to become a bit strict towards Wonho when it comes to our dates.

"Have her back here by 9PM or else I'll slash ₩100 for every half an hour you fail to bring her back here."


"Hyung! Isn't that a bit too much?" Wonho asked him.

"Hahaha! Really? Okay fine, I'll change it: ₩50 for every hour she's not back here."

I kept apologizing to Wonho everytime my brother says that to him.

"Hahaha! It's fine! Really, don't worry about." He usually tells me. "I understand where your brother is coming from. He's just protective of you."

With the things between us finally resolved, Wonho's mom would sometimes visit the café and my brother would personally entertain her!


There's one thing my brother haven't lifted yet.

The ban on kissing me on the lips.

So, Wonho has to accept that.

It was a Tuesday morning.

The café has just opened. A few visitors came in and so Wonho and the others started working. Minhyuk and Hyungwon took the customers' orders while the rest were wiping the tables, arranging the chairs and mopping the floor. Kihyun and Jooheon went to the kitchen to await the customers' orders. Meanwhile, I sat in my usual place beside the window and started reading a book. Wonho, who was mopping the floor, came beside me to tease me by smiling. I tried ignoring him but he won't stop!

And then, my brother suddenly came out from his office.

"Everyone! I have an announcement later at lunch time!"

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