Chapter 34: War Of Words

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Author's Note: I do not, in any way, support any fanwars so please, EXO-Ls and ARMYs who are reading this, PLEASE CALM DOWN. :D Thank you!

"Well, this was a pretty eventful afternoon." said Sandara.

The student council then faced us.

"We owe you guys an apology. Especially to you five." Doojoon said to Wonho and the others.

"It's okay sunbae. We only did what we have to do. And besides, they were threatening our girls." replied Wonho.

"But even so, we caused you guys a lot of harm. We'll just ask the representatives to continue your work. Thank you guys though for the ones you have finished.


Both the BTS and EXO parties campaigned hard and that's just what they did amongst the students of our school. They visited each classroom and showed & promoted their platforms. They also held events like small concerts at the gym, did performances and a lot more.

The school's walls were full of posters and flyers of the opposing parties while the janitors have given up hope of removing them because the very next day, the spaces which they have cleared of posters would be full again.

Once, both parties came to the café and everyone could feel the tension. Namjoon, Eunji, Mark, Hani and Mingyu were near the windows while Junmyeon, Kyungsoo, Yixing, Chanyeol and Jongin were on the other side.

Shownu, Gunhee, Jooheon, I.M, Kihyun, Minhyuk & Hyungwon were a bit hesitant to serve the EXO party especially after what they did to Wonho and the others but my brother told them to serve them normally.

"Look, I don't want them in here either but if I tell them to leave, won't that cause problems for everyone at school? I mean you guys and the Help Club are clearly for Namjoon's side so, if I do what we all want to do and kick them out, they'll accuse this café of being biased and unfairness." My brother explained.

Sometimes, there would be flareups between the two parties but Sir. Eric was now more active around the campus and once they see him or feel his presence, they immediately stop and back off.


Not everyone was exactly on Namjoon's side.

A lot of students were actually supporting or on the side of the EXO party. They agree with the stated aims of strict discipline and order in the school. Because of this, the school's population has started to become polarized. Half are supporters of the BTS party while the other half is with the EXO party. Rivalries began to form and fights started breaking out which caused the student council in collaboration with the Discipline Office to form select groups of students to stop fights when they see them. Every day, the clinic had visitors and Nurse Taeyeon had to work overtime. The fighting even prompted my brother to post a notice on the café's door saying:

"Fighting inside the café means one phone call to the police. BEWARE"

By the time the day of the debate came, the entire school was divided into two. It was like the 2016 U.S. Presidential campaign between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

The entire school flocked to the gym for the much awaited debate. On the left side were the supporters of the EXO party while on the right are the BTS party supporters. The entire gymnasium was echoing with cheers and shouts from both sides and occasionally, there would be some mocking but they wouldn't want to take it too far since the discipline teams of the Discipline Office are lurking around.

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